What the fuck do I do?

Corona has literally cancelled all of my potential income for the foreseeable future (I was working in the music industry). I applied for unemployment as soon as I could but now it's been 6 weeks with no response. I really don't see the music industry picking back up again any time soon, and I'm starting to get the feeling that my unemployment case has completely fallen through the cracks. I have about $5000 in cash saved up but otherwise I don't know what the fuck to do. If I have to keep paying rent and other expenses, and have zero opportunity to bring money in, what now? I don't even have enough to build out a tiny house or something and fuck off.

Anyone else in this position? Anyone got any money ideas for a post-corona world?

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Just don't pay rent and get a job

> I was working in the music industry
yeah youre using the corona as a scapegoat for your failing career and literally continuing to brainwash yourself that its the virus' fault you're not making any money by making this thread

learn to code bigot

lol wow eat a dick. You probably have such a limited view of the world that you hear "I work in the music industry" and all you can picture is someone trying to be a famous guitarist. There's a lot more to do - and get paid for - than that.

>just get a job
>in the middle of a global pandemic
u srs? what fucking job

Are you a gig worker? You could apply for the SBA loan if that is the case.

Did you get your TrumpBux?

Be more specific on what you do and what your situation is.

fuck you nigger, I can smell you're black

Nothing you can possibly contribute to the music industry has any economic value whatsoever anymore. It's literally worthless now.

I was working as a live sound engineer for a couple nice venues in my area, and I play in a band that tours internationally throughout the year.

I applied for the SBA loan as soon as I could (I have an LLC for my work) and was denied before they ran out of money. I also can't apply for the gig worker unemployment benefit of $600 a week because my current claim is still "pending".

I got my TrumpBux, but that's just about 2 months worth of rent. I live with my brother, we rent a house together.

look at this fucking music hippy immediately going for "you have such a narrow view of the world" hahahaha hey fuckstick, doing a bunch of acid doesn't make you more cultured, it fucks up your brain to the point of psychosis, giving you a false sense of moral superiority.

>says the guy that most likely will hear and listen to music multiple times today
ok yeah

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>You listened to famous musicians who are undisputed masters of their craft
>therefore gibsmedat i'm the same as them ook ook

you were never, ever, ever going to make it anyways, user.

I have a family member in your position. He has worked his whole life as a jazz/blues guitarist. I always thought it was cool he had a band and cds and stuff even tho I never liked the music growing up.. but turns out hes always broke. He also works in a guitar store, plays gigs around the city and taught guitar.. hes actually really well known around the city.. but still hes always broke. Plus his wife fucked around on him with his nigger bass player. Who's still in the band. But anyways. I actually heard not long ago that yea they're not doing well at all right now. Hes scraping together a few bucks a week doing lessons on webcam and shit. But fuck. That's nothing. I told his stupid ass years ago to buy link too.

>ook ook

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Not to mention you can't even post a full sized image, probably can't even find the spacebar half the time let alone engineer something that sounds halfway decent. Sure, it's all the virus' fault

Get a real job

On what grounds was your gig work SBA loan denied? You sound like a classic gig worker, especially with the LLC. I imagine you are also insured to work in venues? Was the gig work too little to qualify and mostly what you do is play in your band? Is the band incorporated also?

Have you tried doing livestreams with the band? Have you done a gofundme or that sort of thing? Do you have fans that can pitch in a bit? I listen to a lot of electronic music and they've been doing sets at home.

What are your other expenses like? Have you talked to your landlord about delaying rent?

I personally feel the rent forgiveness would be a better stimulus than just giving people cash, I think it would help a greater number of people out even if some richfags get their 5,000/mo apartments paid for that's a small percentage. Not to rag on you in a bad time, but you should really keep 9-12 months emergency fund at all times in liquid cash (linkies don't count).

Buy a good bag to carry your gear when you are homeless, buy some good boots to carry you and buy kneepads to help you stay nourished.

At least you have 5k saved up. Lots of people don't even have that. This won't last forever and when it's a over you can get a job. Doesn't need to be music related but you can start over again somehow.
I'm about in the same boat as you but I have 3 children. Still working but barely making any money.

>At least you have 5k saved up. Lots of people don't even have that.
I had always heard Americans were bad at saving, but i'm absolutely floored by how quickly people literally needed food. How do these people sleep at night? It's not like they don't have cable tv and netflix too...

>SBA out of money.
This doesn't happen. Apply again for the SBA EIDL. The application streamlined version is online. They will then hook you up with a local bank. Those banks have unlimited funds, especially with stimulus 2.0 just signed. You will probably get a $1k grant and a $15k 30 yr loan at 3.5%



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Those banks actually don't have unlimited funds unless they keep getting refilled. They get an allocation. Now if the government keeps refilling then yeah it is unlimited, but I wouldn't sit on my ass if another refill comes through

The SBA loan was denied because it's just a single owner LLC with no employees that makes around $10k a year. One of the venues I worked in was a W2 job, the other was 1099 contract work for the LLC. The band is a partnership but the member of the band that's in charge of everything lives in France and puts about 10% effort into anything technology related.

Livestreams are impossible with the band due to the living arrangements. We've pushed our merch a bit more but that also involves going to the post office which no one wants to do right now. The band has been generally against things like gofundme or patreon but now might be the time to change that.

I've got basic utilities to pay (electric, cable, phone, etc) aside from rent. The rub with rent currently is that my brother is closest with the landlord (he was his landlord independently for a couple years before we moved in together) and my brother is adamantly against not paying rent. The landlord has said absolutely nothing to either of us about it but my brother doesn't want to mess up the relationship he has.

Who in the world, in the gig economy, can afford to have 9 - 12 months of emergency funds? That's an enormous amount of money for rent-poor people to stash.

Not sure. I'm canadian. I could have saved much more than I have. Most people seem to be retards though. Driven by consumerism. They want what their neighbours have. And as long as their monthly expenses come in below their monthly income, all is good. Eventually you dig a hole where saving isn't even possible and when something goes wrong, you need the gov't to bail you out. Perfect scam

I was told by the SBA as well as the bank that would have administered the loan that they were out of funds. This has also been in the news for days, where have you been?

What Fucking Job.....I don't know....AMAZON, KROGER, COSTCO. Pandemic jobs.

Also, get an essential skill, non-essential faggot.

Be as frugal as possible. Buy only what you need. Look for part-time work if it gets dire.

From the SBA website
>SBA is unable to accept new applications at this time for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)-COVID-19 related assistance program (including EIDL Advances) based on available appropriations funding.

What the fuck is wrong with you?
>Get a job in the middle of a global pandemic that puts you in contact with hundreds of strangers that are dumb enough to be out in public during a global pandemic
Seriously man come on. Do people really not understand this situation?

this virus is FAKE NEWS

cant argue with those digits

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>working in the music industry

KYS faggot.

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Okay so you are just a burnout band member that sometimes does some sound work. Just be honest with us, I'm a bit embarrassed that those anons were correct.

>Livestreams are impossible with the band due to the living arrangements. We've pushed our merch a bit more but that also involves going to the post office which no one wants to do right now. The band has been generally against things like gofundme or patreon but now might be the time to change that.
Don't let pride get in your way, people who have a little extra are giving now. I've given to my local restaurant and some musicians I support.

>I've got basic utilities to pay (electric, cable, phone, etc) aside from rent.
Cancel your cable first off. That was a waste of money to begin with, what the fuck are you doing? You only need basic internet.

>The rub with rent currently is that my brother is closest with the landlord (he was his landlord independently for a couple years before we moved in together) and my brother is adamantly against not paying rent. The landlord has said absolutely nothing to either of us about it but my brother doesn't want to mess up the relationship he has.
He needs to get over his pride. You have a lot of avenues you aren't taking.

>Who in the world, in the gig economy, can afford to have 9 - 12 months of emergency funds? That's an enormous amount of money for rent-poor people to stash.
Me? Gig workers don't have to be poor. I made a bit over 120,000 last year as a security consultant. I live very cheaply. My sister makes almost 300k a year as a headhunter, she is a gig worker as well.

Ok, be homeless and then get the Ching Chong Flu when you blow Alex Jones.....Or maybe get it anyways, but with a couple of thousand in your pocket when you work overtime at Amazon. Your choice Non-Essential.

I work face to face with hundreds of different poor fag low IQ scum every day at an employment agency
Not been ill yet, non of them are I'll, some are retard junkies buts that's not my problem I get paided either way
Enjoy ruining your economy over a seasonal cold mutation

What do you *do*?