Why is Warren Buffett still sitting in cash?

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because people are pumping oil stocks of all things right now ffs

the big red is coming friend

you have been warned


the Saudis can't afford to continue the oil game for long

t. in saudi


He's waiting for the big sale.

how'd you know hes still sitting in cash? dont we only find out on May 2nd? when berkshire report earnings?

There are news reports every week lol

Pretty sure he would had already went all in on -80% stocks

Bobo is dead

Yeah man, everything until the end of time is priced in, markets are perfectly rational & it's never gonna drop, even with record unemployment & no fundamental economic activity. Printing Money = New Paradigm!

youre a massive retard if you think oil isnt a BUY right now. Anything below $20/barrel is unsustainable.

He knows that there is about to be a blood bath in the markets and it waiting to get in at the bottom. Smart guy, because anyone can see what's coming, and it's going to be brutal.

Why not?

2 years from now he will be sitting in a grave anyway

You're right, anything below 30 is unsustainable but the price will remain below that for a long time so???

Because now it's warm.

If this were the case, wouldn't that absolutely trash your fiat as well?
I told you guys to go for the commodities.


so dont over leverage yourself and wait it out.

Who says he's sitting on it? First disclosure of q1 activities is on 2nd may when berkshire has its annual meeting. What is known so far is that he had 120 bil end of 2019, he sold Delta below 10% threshold (so i assume he dropped it all) and also he issued a low interest rate bond in asia for several billions. He's definitely up to sth or even went already on a buying spree

He's a sad old fuck

If the market dumps, everything will dump. It will cause a temporary flight to cash increasing the buying buying power if fiat.

The Saudis can literally produce negatively priced oil for months with little effect on their end. It would be devastating for the rest of the oil producers who would likely have to shut down, and in the end they would be back in control and come out on top. Win, win.

Anyone who says this is a retard. You do not understand that there are 2 major oil producers who can literally run on $5/bbl oil and still profit. Once they flush out the other oil producers, they can then run the price back up. There is no telling how low they will take it to make this happen.

That maybe true but berkshire is a massive investment apparatus, they have hords of analysts, its far from a one man show

And i can hold oil for months on end with little effect on my end. This was your grand argument?

the same reason other whales are buying massive amounts of puts: they know JPOW's meme magic can't last into perpetuity. This stinking corpse we all call the economy that they're trying to prop up Weekend at Bernie's style is going to eventually hit the floor.

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You can hold negatively priced oil? Lol, you really are a retard! Good fucking luck when the call from your broker comes in saying you owe hundreds of thousands of dollars!

Why should oil prices go up in the near future? Storage capacities are at their limits, the economy is still not consuming nearly what is produced at the moment. Massive oversupplies for months and probably years to come. It's sth people and analysts can't get in their head by staring at charts and future pricing.

you are the exact kind of faggot that the saudis are targeting. Weak hands and goldfish attention spanned manchildren. You got shook off the train with 0 effort. Youll end this "crisis" just as poor as you were before. Good riddance

Good luck losing everything moron!

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Imagine Buffet announcing hes buying gold or bitcoin. I am which is why I'm balls deep in gold and bitcoin.

this is wrong though. stop being a faggot

If only you'd take the effort to edit this pic in a way that you see Warren's actual thumb, I'd be satisfied. Cool digits, tho.

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