I work for a crypto startup

I don't wanna specify which one, it's a very low cap one but I am not here to shill. I am just here to drop a blackpill:

All cryptos are either scams or will fail even if they have good intentions
The only legit ones are BTC(ofc), Ethereum and a few others I won't specify.

Attached: 70147984_456689058513576_1022808831854795843_n.jpg (640x640, 64.02K)

Ours islegit, we do have something that is working, and are making code that we envision to be used by institutional investors.
But I honestly believe there's no way we are going to reach the goals of institutional adoption considering our CEO has been talking about capital raise for over a year and we have still not received a single dime and seem to always change strategy.
The coin also has not seen its ATH since June last year and even with increased publicity it the price hasn't budged much.

I don't know how much time I have left in that job. I have my McDonald's application ready just in case and a dump order of the tokens they gave me so I can atleast get $10k out of it.

And no, coffee isn't good for you

how about LINK and XTZ?

who is this semen demon?

I think this is common knowledge desu. I'd say there are about 5 projects with any real chance of success. I do kind of feel bad for legit projects that stand 0 chance of success though (looking at Ark for example)

Hot tip:

The one you work for is fucking garbage too.

most coins over $1b are legit, otherwise they wouldn't be there to begin with.
Some of those I worked with however are from other crypto projects that are legit scams. They have not working product, only a punch of code monkeys who just graduated college with minimal coding experience, and the PR strategy is to just make a shitton of promises but with no actual product whatsoever
In other words, Vaporware.
And I mean legit vaporware. All time they spend is paying some third worlders to make a powerpoint presentation and fooling some retarded VCs to throw money at it to make them look legit.

I'm not gonna say which ones because I will just be accused of being a shill, but I can guarantee most of the low cap ones are complete vaporware.

By the way, I actually used to think we were the same, as my CEO always told me to use software that wasn't the one our company supposedly would use but once I started noticing they actually did use that software but wanted me, who's a novice in the field, to use open source software to practice with the subject, I changed my mind.

She kinda looks like my brother-in-laws gf, but it's not her

I know, atleast I got some decent money out of it. If by a miracle we will receive funding, I'll still work for them until I can probably figure out a way to become self employed

I work for central Banks, here' a bigger Blackpill, what op says is correct, but they wont be after the massive drop that will prob come next week or following week, it will drop everything to crazy lows, fed is going to be putting basically everything onto the block chain (bonds, ETF's,stonks will be there own system etc) +- near the lows, as the world economy will be tits up.
They will obsorbing all coins into finance 2.0 or some fed Coin/System, not too sure.
Corona was just a speed up mechanic, this was going to be done at some point, but this was an accelerant, btc will go to new lows as stocks will drag it down, see oil as a prime example. But when this reboot happens, be prepared to see 2017 x 1000, so get ready to buy this bottom, it will be the last chance.

Screencap this.

You should just convince your ceo to start doing memes to shill your shitcoin, all you need is to hire a couple of pajeets and you could become a millionare.
t. someone who knows how it works

I would unironically prefer us to follow the scam path as we could infact get more money out of that

A man

>Screencap this.
why should i waste space on my HD for a stupid larp?

>All cryptos are either scams or will fail even if they have good intentions

I don't think it takes an """insider""" to realize this, enough to have some grasp on IT and common sense

bro, you should try google cloud storage, that shit is crazy..

Attached: when-i-delete-everything-in-my-phone-and-still-get-38436518.png (500x555, 122.91K)

>is to just make a shitton of promises but with no actual product whatsoever
sounds like Chainlink. They've been promising decentralized oracles for 4 years and they haven't even started working on a sybil resistant consensus algorithm.

They obviously have no clue how to do it and have given up.

Attached: vitalikchainlinkscam.png (713x216, 22.03K)

that's literally every single startup. Every single one. Most fail miserably while burning money and capital risk.

I actually have no idea what to do from here. The volume will allow me to dump my holdings for $12k. But that's just $12k. I guess I'll just do it when I notice we have no way of raising capital and the treasury runs out of funds.
I'll continue working for as long as I am paid. I did get some valuable experience that I might have use for in the future.

you should build connections and experience, that's kinda it.
if you can still dump after the top guys, do that, you'll be inside and know what to do.
my experience in startups, and being a founder of one (but removing myself from anything related to it very soon after the financing), it's that you are giving money to people who have zero knowledge of how to manage, build and develop a product. crypto is just the steroids version, quicker, more money at your disposable, less worries, less people you have to convince initially. etc.

that's why something like chainlink is completely different from 99% of crypto projects. Sergey and Steve built smartcontact a couple of years before and they knew the path they had to go through. And they were already rich, so no need to try to make things quicker.

I'll stick to it until I know the outcome of our recent strategy. If we still don't get any capital to ensure further employment, I'll guess I'll silently dump my holdings so I have an emergency fund until we run out of capital

Knowing my luck though, we'll go to 10x after that happens lmao

>All cryptos are either scams or will fail even if they have good intentions
>The only legit ones are BTC(ofc), Ethereum and a few others I won't specify.

ALL cryptos are scams. No exceptions.

case in point

>most coins over $1b are legit, otherwise they wouldn't be there to begin with.
I make 18 trillion tokens. I sell a token to a friend for $1. My market cap is now $18 Trillion according to you. And you think this is legit.

>All cryptos are scams

The funny thing is - where is money that people made in crypto coming from?
There must be a whole bunch of morons who lose on their crypto "investments" and are then too embarrassed to talk about it,

>All cryptos are either scams or will fail
And I don't follow the logic of people that think different What retards bought BTC when it was 5-digit USD? What did they think was the future?

Attached: mdTest3.jpg (225x225, 9.29K)

>I make 18 trillion tokens. I sell a token to a friend for $1. My market cap is now $18 Trillion according to you. And you think this is legit.

not the same scenario. Some(not all) of those above $1b on CMC are what I am talking about
The difference is that they have actual volume to sustain the market cap, even if most is wash trading. Your scenario has a volume of $1

I worked for a crypto startup too. They did an ICO right at the top of the crypto gold rush a few years ago, been living off that money since, added 0 real value to the world. I worked as a sort of a PR/market maker guy, large portion of the team was dedicated to shilling the project via all sorts of media. It was all bullshit of course, the company made 0 money in real projects, because nobody really needs blockchain ETH based coins that do jackshit being on top of some mediocre software tools that you can order from anybody else. The company had a couple of "big shots" from big tech companies (think Oracle, Amazon, Google, etc.) who were all blatantly losers but could be shilled on media. I worked there for a couple of months before realising it was just a big Ponzi scheme, then went for an actual job in finance (think IR). May answer some questions here without doxing myself.

Banks... this dude works for central banks... plural. Impressive at 14.

so we all agree: get your money on XRP as its not a digital currency (exactly)

Where and how do you shill it?
Did you resort to shitpost it on reddit/Yas Forums? if yes - what story you sell in your posts?

I don't think anyone would know who you are even if you mention the name of the project.
In our case, there's almost no shilling and the community, although probably too optimistic, is very mature and prefers organic growth. There are probably less than 100 posts at most on Yas Forums mentioning the name. And if we gain actual adoption, our product will be very useful in both trading and science.
That's one thing that I like about our project. Despite this, I am not positive that we will succeed any further. We never seem to be able to raise any capital or get any customer which has been a core plan for 2 years.

Did you work online? I really just want a job where I can work online and earn around $2-3k a month. I don't need any fancy salaries, as long as I can have a job that pays me that, allows me to work whenever I want and wherever I want.

Sigh. Chainlink, right fud? Now post the dumbass pasta again.

Yeah please answer this question.
Do a how-to on propper shilling techniques
What are the core channels, where is the hype

Is this shit Cindicator?

bros, this won't work today. He said on the top of the crypto gold rush. At that time, any shilling no matter the quality would result in retards buying.


>All cryptos are either scams or will fail
Ah, I see you confuse cryptocurrency with ICOs. ICOs are a known scam that the newfags will have to figure out on their own.

I do hope they figure it out before they lose not just their money but hope.

He is talking about LINK lmfao.

>where is money that people made in crypto coming from?
I can tell you from my experience. The company I worked at did a really big ICO shilling a shit ton of coins to a bunch of rich morons (I don't respect anyone who loses money, but I got a bit of that via salary, so can't complain). Most of the ICO were done at the time by private means and channels, I am not sure how exactly they found rich people to put money into the garbage, but there were a few large whales who had been holding for quite some time and believing that shit would moon, really delusional.
The market cap of the coin is down more than 15 times now since the ICO, it's not even in the top 200 by market cap anymore. It's really miraculous that some people still hold. My work included talking to those via telegram telling them it's going to be daijoubu and that they should hold and gonna be rich as fuck soon. At the same time we kept selling coins at one of the exchanges to finance our doings.
So, yeah, there are a bunch of morons who invested in this shit and lost money. It's not like it's too different from investing in a private round C VC shit like uber that drops 50% after IPO.

>most over 1b are legit
wrong. xrp isnt legit. iota isnt legit. bitconnect wasnt legit. just cause it has 1 bil marketcap doesnt mean theres actually 1 billion dollars invested in it, most of these shitcoins have no liquidity whatsoever. link flash crashed to 1 cent ffs all of this fucking trash have simply supressed supplies, either by big holders (creators or early investors) or delusional ponzi loving investors. its all a scam. all of it. from #1 to the last one. thats the real blackpill

nope, although I bought 127 LINK for my brother and sister for Christmas 2018 from the advice of a friend.

it's not 2017 anymore, faggot. And I didn't even say all.
Learn to read


>I am not sure how exactly they found rich people to put money into the garbage, but there were a few large whales who had been holding for quite some time and believing that shit would moon, really delusional.
protip: VCs are always tech-illiterate. They got rich simply because they were lucky. Actually, most rich firms got rich because they were lucky. Fuck, almost everyone with alot of money are genuinely retarded. There's no such thing as "hard work and high IQ" that is the only recipe to become rich.

Long BTC 100x with all your liquidity right before a huge pump(you don't know this, you just gambled) and you are in techincal terms filthy rich but still fucking retarded
Alot of BTC whales who mined thousands of BTCs in the early 2010s are genuinely retarded fat fucks and have no idea about investment, but one day they were multimillionaires and could now order a whole harem of underage children for his newly constructed sex dungeon