I work in high finance, hooked on meth

I work in high finance as a trader and to function I was doing adderall because I work 100 hour work weeks but now i got on hooked on meth and performing the best I’ve ever done, how can I minimize the damage I do with meth?
Supplements ?

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you and 90% of the daily traders

What's meth like?

just like adderall but I’ve noticed it’s a lot more euphoric. it’s cheaper as well.
I’m a little scared because I’ve been losing so much weight and I look like I’m dying but I feel like I can work all day

What’s the point of making good money if you die before you make it?

Take lithium, take tolerance breaks if you use an nmda antagonist like magnesium or dxm you can lower your tolerance to where you started believe it or not

Most important thing is to keep your tolerance low as well as dosages

Get sleep, eat healthy and don't use it when weather is really hot

Also it's not really making you any better at your job it's just making you more energetic and motivated to do the job

I’ve already made it, I make 100,000 a year and that’s not included bonuses.
I smoke meth and pay for sex but overall I am content with my life. I work hard and party hard.

It was my favourite drug by far, not sure if it's because i ruined my brain but mdma felt boring after meth and coke feels like babys first stim compared to it, been off it for 4 years now but still sometimes have dreams about it.

are you using every day? not really sustainable, just gotta make sure you get plenty of water and force yourself to eat like the perfect diet to try and make up for gacking your brain 24/7 i guess, you gotta have like a roster system, i do like 1 day on then 2 days to sleep and recover

>100 hours weeks
>made it

that’s not included bonuses you stupid fuck.
Compare your life and mine, im laughing my ass off lol

19 bucks an hour?

alright crackhead lol

Not included bonuses I said

yes I’m a crackhead, so what? You’re poor broke ass homeless motherfucker lol, probably live with your mother on welfare

Most day traders are on something m8. Get rich or die trying is the mantra. Don't do it every day though. Keep your tolerance low.

alright mr kike slave

In time he will have if he lives a frugal life(excluding the meth I suppose).

This escalated quickly

Ok but he isn’t a meth addict you fucking degenerate

okay mr living in with his mommy, no money no pussy

>19 bucks a hour
>made it
>ruining his health and future for 19$ a hour
top quality thread

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compare my bank account with yours, compare the broad that sucked my cock with your hand? I’m better than you, whether I smoke meth or not. Lmao

ok mr pussy renter

My bonuses are 75k a year, stay loser so I am stay a winner .

i forgot:
>pays for sex
>looks like hes dying
if this thread is meant to be bait, it sure is some great bait

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okay mr work at mcdonalds virgin , keep being jealous, I’d be too if I were you l

>guys how do I stop smoking meth :(
>lmao I am better than everyone else

Typical crackhead

kek you make your kike bosses millions for peanuts

I pay for sex because I don’t have time to build a relationship. I take girls out to expensive dinners and then fuck them. If for some reason I don’t feel like doing that I just get an escort .
Meanwhile you’re too poor to even pay for sex so you’re an incel LOL

this has to be bait
imagine ruining your life for mr goldberg for 100k + "bonuses" (if it was a big sum he'd mention it so it's just scraps)


I never want to stop meth, don’t know what you’re talking, maybe you should get on meth and accomplish something in your life

sure thing mr "dead at 35"

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75k in bonuses = scraps.

150k vs . A year at McDonald’s (you).
yeah buddy keep talking

Imagine being this delusional

This has to be bait

Try heroin as supplement you are not coming across as very chill to me. It should relax you. Do not listen to the haters about damage this damage that. Just live the fast life.

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I’ll be dead at 60, live fast die young. You’ll live till you’re 75 but you without the any memorable experiences . So keep talking

>100k + 75k + 150k
your brain on meth

good bait user
enjoy the yous

Imagine becoming a methead and having no life just to make 100k a month and then using it on whores.

OP is the perfect crossover between a simp and a wageslave

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Minus taxes you stupid fuck, clearly you live with your parents. Pathetic. This is who I’m talking to behind the computer screen? Lol

oh shit guys, i am out of meth again and mr goldberg wants me to work another 5 hours of overtime for 19$ a hour, do you think he will let me leave the building for 5 minutes so i can get my next hit?

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so what makes you better than me? You’re an incel with who’s probably unemployed, or homeless.
You know how stupid you sound?
You’re not even on my level

Now I'm sure you are 14y old child.
On 175k you will pay alot more taxes than 25k

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Just the fact u r getting butt hurt in every reply. Make you a loser.

I guess you dosed 4 hours ago max. Make a thread on the comedown and come bragging again if you can. Oh wait you will feel like dying and probably won't be able to type coherently.
Better take some sleeping pills or booze by then.

you’re an incel

incel > fucking prostitutes

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Sure bud.


Don't do meth. Do plain old Adderall. Please. Meth is neurotoxic to the dopamine receptors. It will give you ADD and you will be dependent on stimulants for life.

I guess if you never had real sex you'd think that

OP i took steriods and you see your health start dropping fast even with good maintinace. You have to realise that one day you are gonna have to stop or you will die. It happens at an exponential rate

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When you work 100 hours a week you don’t have time to date a 2/10 girl like you probably managed to pull off, probably not because you’re a loser , getting spun and fucking is the peak of my day, suck it