Idena invitation general

Anyone needs IDENA invites?

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It's no use and Yas Forumstards will wast them anyways. Discord is the place.

this still available OP?
white male ready to flip

I had a bad experience already but I have 3 invites more and I want to give Yas Forums another chance for 1 of them

sweet brb

Maybe try a smarter board
Ehhh.../g/? Ok maybe not smarter but they will at least be smart enough to start a computer.

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Do I have to create flips in the app or can I just photoshop it together? Been waiting for this shit to sync for hours

won't idena install qkeyloggers and a copy of metasploit framework to host machine?

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This is pretty gud
Get normal internet or move out from africa
Idena node measures your dick size and sends to the network to prove you're a human

is picrelated somewhat acceptable?

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thou art worthy

story could be little more clear but it's ok

its good

So I accidentally created an invite for an user last night, clicked off the tab before copying the code, and tried to terminate the invite to give him a new one. In the process I accidentally terminated a fren that was 2 epochs old and the only user that had actually showed up for validations. Feeling pretty sick about it desu. To the UK neet out there somewhere, if you read this, I’m srry, you didn’t deserve this. I’ll provide another one to you although it’s not the same. Post the picture you gave me for the invite and I’ll send it back. Never happening again.

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okay, seems fun so far to check out
what if candidate would fail at ~30 minute validation session by not solving enough flips?
(drunk, etc)
Would it mark invitation as 'wasted'?
kind of don't wanna risk anons lottery tickets

If you don’t attend or you fail it as a newbie, your node is killed, so essentially yes, it’s wasted. Validations at this point are every 12 days at 13:30 UTC.

ok, understood, reading a bit here

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> The person who invites you can terminate your identity during the next several epochs before your status is "Verified"
Kind of brings back that early crypto 'accidentally lost it all' vibes, seems fun, so
if someone is willing to risk 1 code, i can try.
time is acceptable here too (4pm)

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The person that invites you gets a bonus for the 1st 2nd and 3rd time you succesfully validate. Those bonuses are huge, anybody terminating you after you prove you're commited is a retard or does it on accident.
long session is pretty easy user, don't worry.

Got it, thanks
does it give some coins to candidate after invitation is used? will send 33% back to sender. cap this

Yep I feel like an asshole and a fool right now.
Post a timestamped pic of your hand along with email and I’ll send you one. Highly suggest joining the Idena Announcements channel on tg too, the team updates the client/network pretty frequently. There’s also a relevant AMA that happened yesterday, full transcript here
Just make sure to practice some flips on the main site so you know what you’re doing, creating flips isn’t too hard at all tbqh

No you get nothing, you can start mining when you pass your first validation

I'd like one please

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thanks, post address where to send dna (if code does not show it)
[email protected]
(10minute mail)

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>$3000 volume
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA never change biz

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understood, still post addresses for extra dna if will get validated
it's more for fun honestly, crypto will lack this feeling in 1year if not already

you're supposed to buy coins before they hit big exchanges user

It wasn’t planned for an exchange until Q3 and qTrade is bottom tier in terms of volume (but they list some solid coins, NYZO and VEO are pretty based too). Tier 1 exchange is in the works. Still only $2m mcap.
Will send in a second, got some faith in you user

Thank you! will try not to let fellow anons down!
Also will send 40% of first reward to fren who sent an invite and 10% to one other user who will post his dna address itt.
absolutely cap this
t. brainlet who mined nerva & turtlecoin, lmao


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thank you and good luck fren, the validation is not as bad as it seems. did my first one 3 days ago

still hodling'em too, why bully?

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Invite code - 0x306739d1762de8d5e2f465d3743232170ffd9d49
Fast approval. Let’s get to the money

got you, fren. 10%

based retard