How to make money as a girl??

Hard mode: no sex, prostitution

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as a woman you are obviously not cut out for trading or investing, so get a job

falls under prostitution


have simps fawn over you for doing regular stuff like buying groceries

Trading. Look at all these retards here that do it, I'm sure you can too.

That is indeed hard mode.
I can't think of anything desu.

obviously female targeted careers such as nursing and childcare


Correct, simp.

Show tits and time stamp. You know the rules.

Marry me queen

step 1. buy overwatch
step 2. register on
step 3. play overwatch with nerds and get paid

costs: 20$
profits: limitless
risks: mild cringe

Learn to code ya retard.
I'm a female engineer. Make stacks.
Get smarter.

marry a conservative

You are just a slave for men.

>female engineer
What a horrible combination. You're literally an arrogant cunt.

pick one

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Use your affirmative action privilege to get basically any job you want

This is either a how to make money as a girl(man) or a female autist. I guess the latter is waifu material

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Streamer is ez mode

Personalized ASMR recordings

Find a based and redpilled Christian group and tell a young man there you want to devote yourself to him for life and fuck his brains out and give him many a children. Problem solved.

easiest thing as a woman is to do business with stuff that women like. produce girl stuff, give girl advice because men obviously can't and there is a huge market with comparatively little competition because men are not (so much) into topics like beauty, menstruation etc., so they have no real authentic clue how to monetize it properly, while on the other hand women are bad at making good businesses. not all, but less.

it is similar like doing business with nerds and feasting upon their money. you need to know what childish bullshit toys are the current shit for the onions manchilds, and then you can monetize it. otherwise not. downside: you actually need to be proficient in these topics.

also just do any other random job in European and American countries. usually you're more likely to get the position with same qualifications these days, or even with less.

are you cute?

>you need to know what childish bullshit toys are the current shit for the onions manchilds, and then you can monetize it.
So basically, prostitution. :(

pick only one

No Idea why I said onions. are random words replaced by onions?