Stepdad beat the shit out of me again

>stepdad beat the shit out of me again

This is why I want to make it, so I can get the hell out of here. I don't want a lambo or escorts, I just want out of this shithole

please tell me the next moonshot

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Report that dickweed and get traumabux


XTZ. Your welcome.

The next step is call the police.

Just get a job, faggot

Gather videos with context of him beating the shit out of you then report it to the police.

There's no story, he's just a drunk asshole who takes his shit out on me for no reason

Police here won't give a shit since I'm over 18.

No one is hiring except grocery stores and I wont make anywhere near enough to afford rent.

Is it on Binance?

Fight back retard

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>No one is hiring except grocery stores and I wont make anywhere near enough to afford rent.
Ive been listening to you losers say this for years

>No one is hiring except grocery stores and I wont make anywhere near enough to afford rent.

So? I still have my job that I was furloughed from and am receiving federal getting unemployment for, and I just took a gig stocking shelves because they’re offering 40 hours a week.

Start praying, start lifting, start working

beat the shit out of your stepdad if he ever tries that shit again

Snatch his ass up in a bear trap. Leave that motherfucker swinging from a tree so high no one finds his ass for days. GLOCK GLOCK you know what I'm saying?

user, I'll be 30 in a few weeks. I'm still stuck at home. I spent most of my 20s in a pretty deep depression, and was essentially a hermit for 3+ years.


I went back to school, I got help/took loans, got straight As, and worked out an Associates degree, with the bachelors in process. I started working again full time at a little IT company, making decent money. I got 8k in the bank already after a few months of saving, and a pretty cute gf. And I'm already looking for an apartment to rent.

Life gets better, but you gotta work for it.

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How old are you? This is an 18+ board only, there’s no way you can’t over power an old man at that age

have sex

22. He's 34 and my mum is 42. He could bench press twice me body weight easily. I wouldn't stand a chance trying to fight back. Just result in more pain for me.

Congrats user, I mean it. I dont share your optimism though

my stepdad would smack me around when i was a kid. mostly was just smacks in the shoulder/arm but occasionally would pull me by the hair/ear

it sucked and now im afraid to do anything or make any mistakes because something bad will happen. im still a scared timid little boy.

you know something, user? you're like school in summertime

>stepdad beat the shit out of me again
Poor kid, someone should hel-

>Police here won't give a shit since I'm over 18.

School in summertime?

yeah bitch school in summertime. open your fucking ears you fucking bitch whore. I'll pop your bitch ass.

Op, you COULD still be listed as dependent.
Please, call the police and get a restraining order, it isn't healthy/safe/worth it to go on a day with those living conditions.
It's worth a try to get a grocery store job, and you can try building skills to get a job online. You have the potential of making a life of your own
God bless user

Why can't you kick his ass? Have you even tried? The first time I beat the fuck out of my stepdad was one of the best days of my life. I don't know why that skinny crackhead thought he could fuck with a 200lb football player.

Now we actually have a great relationship. Go figure.

Document the abuse, murder him in his sleep and claim a psychotic break. No jury will ever convict you.

Bro you're a grown ass man and you let some boomer beat the shit out of you? Grow some balls you numale faggot

consider enlisting

I've been wondering about enlisting, myself (not OP), but the time from enlistment to BTS is like a year. And BTS schools are closing to receiving attendants, but still shipping.

Would consider enlisting for OP, but a year out from now seems like an eternity.

Sounds like you deserve it, little brat. Hope he used the studded belt and kept all his rings on.

holy christ we're not training new recruits right now?

>I'm over 18
Learn brazilian jiu jitsu. Move out.


How do you do this without money

rather. the ones that already enlisted are going through still. but because of pentagon guidance and covid, new recruits aren't able to go to basic training. still accepting applications. makes me wonder where those 27 million people are going to go

i dont know how you faggots manage to be so meek and pathetic and accept any sort of correction or aggression from any other men except for your dad (only to certaint extent). Im of similar age, 19 and been living with a relative and her husband for a while (pay all the fucking bills myself, im just a roommate), this faggot raised his voice to me ONCE and i almost beat the fucking shit out of him. Havent talked to him in months. I'm always on edge. I got a huge adrenaline pump just from reading your post. If someone touches me i swear i cant sleep before beating their ass so bad they shit themselves.

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