How did you spend you $1,200 TrumpBux, user?

How did you spend you $1,200 TrumpBux, user?

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I blew it on link

Trans hookers like a boss

That's un hombre

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I only got $910 because I made too much in 2018. Fuck those kikes.

that's someone's son

pic of the femboi? i'm jelly af bro

2200 Nano

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paid off a credit card, bought an nvme ssd, and a new iphone.

>dopamine running low
>curtains closed
>vitamin d depleted
>feeling the depression coming on
>need to think of another generic thread so i can post another tranny
>"How did you spend you $1,200 TrumpBux, user?"
>breathe a sigh of relief
>ten minutes pass
>the feeling has worn off
>feeling the depression coming on

None of your business, Stacy

>implying I spent it

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Alibaba inventory. Hear that drumpf? i gave the money to CHINA

lol how can politics move you to tears?

I still havnt got it and I filed 2019 and they owe me my normal refund too. Am I boned bro’s I filed the day before

Oh, I put that in savings. Keeping it for a rainy day. :-) Thanks congress!

750 on Robinhood and 450 into weed. Made more returns off bud probably going to just keep doing that instead of stonks.


put it in my btc stack

Unironically put it in my savings account so now I have enough money for a couple months of expenses should I need it.

Lol weaboo pussies only got $1200
>not having 8 social security numbers

Buy Ethereum for long hold and BTC for short hold. A little Zcash if you are smart enough to follow Zero Knowledge podcast. Rest I would put in bulk cheap food like rice and don't bother paying rent lol no one else is.

That only applies if you are ultra poor though. Myself I am a little better off so I now own a newish RV and a lot of solar. If Californians brains start melting and they feel the need to force vaccines on us all I am going to leave to a more red state.

I am totally not political I have never voted but its insane to be setting national policy on the WHO directives. Since trump defunded it the WHO is majority funded by the Bill and melinda gates Foundation. Bill Gates has a bias since he also is funding all the vaccines/tests. They teach you this kind of stuff in business school such as how to determine bias in information. Don't listen to the doom porn crowd like alex jones or the mass media. Focus on using the money to further your ability to be financially independent of centralized authority's while still being able to create wealth.

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no refunds

all in HEX ...screen capture this.

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I bought ARPA
Feels so good

they wanted gibs

The irony of mass gibs handouts via Trump when it's all the liberals wanted makes my dick hard

Got a cool jacket, rest im waiting for LINK to go down to get a good buy in price.

There was a chance that we would finally have a president who wasn't a corporate bootlicker, someone who actually gave a shit about the workers of the country. Someone who wasn't just trying to make wall street and defense contracters and oil barons rich. We were so close.

that was ron paul, sanders sold out when he dropped out last time with the promise this time he would do same but get to keep all the moniessss.

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