Previous bread

Read here first

Perhaps I'll tag all of the best posts for discussion there

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I just clicked on a random post to paste the link obviously. You should read the thread. I'm going to post highlights

Are you the OP of the last thread?



Lots of these posts were informative imo

Do you still attribute the summer you spent in Guatemala picking beans as the beginning of your spiritual renaissance?

This latest scandal has done it for me. I’ve endured 2 years of sybil fud, toilet fud, JSON parser memes, fake google pnd, 700k dumps, literal dump to zero, fake partnerships (looking at you MOAB), the same slides over and over, stiff competition arriving (BAND, Tellor, UMAprotocol). I’ve endured it all, but this was the straw that broke the camels back. The Link dream is dead friends. We will go down in history as one of the most epic meme campaigns, but unfortunately reality has caught up with us. It was nice knowing you all, I wish you all good luck.

What? Stay on topic or I won't reply

Nice pasta

I will not be threatened by a Guatemalan bean picker.

Just go over to posting edited tweets by sergay. Wait you already did that

what are the odds sergey (who is a crypto OG and is fully familiar with market cycles) times the release of staking/other bullish news to come on the buildup/peak in 2021 and 2022?

Can't thank you enough for the thread, brother. The information is relatively easily accessible, but rarely is it all in one place as it has been in your posts.
Thanks for that thread, and this one. For every one idiot posting fud in here, there are probably 20 or more Link holders reading, and appreciating your insight.
PLEASE keep doing what you're doing.

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Odds that Sergey strategically times the release of staking = 100%

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>release of staking
Not happening. Chainlink is a private network of KYC nodes which may or may not be the same person, Sergey himself. No NEET nodes for you, ever.

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Thanks for all the work you put into educating.... you guys have potentially set me up for life with all your help.

What is the relationship between Open Oracle Standard and Chainlink network? Are they interoperable? I dont anything about OOS

I don't really care about NEET nodes, Uncle Schiff. Link will do what Tezos did but on steroids whenever staking is announced and functional in any capacity

Why do linkers try to make it seem like this is bullish?

Open Oracle is literally a COMPETING standard. And Coinbase chose it instead.

The fact that Chainlink can also use this standard is irrelevant. Anyone can use the standard. The point is no one will be using Chainlink anymore, they'll be using Open Oracle, cause it's superior.

>Chainlink benefits from both.
No, Chainlink does not benefit because there's no need to use both Open Oracle and Chainlink together. You could if you wanted, but no one will. You don't need 2 oracle networks that do the same thing.
>Coinbase is literally just a signed API price feed that will be used by Chainlink
No, it is a signed API that follows the competing oracle network standard Open Oracle. They purposefully did NOT use Chainlink's standard, but a competing, better, free, tokenless, KYCless one.
>Open Oracle is an oracle standard that makes different systems compatible with each other
It's a oracle network standard that does exactly what Chainlink does (medianizing multiple oracles), but for free, and without token/KYC.

By definition, a standard can be used by anyone, so of course Sergey will lie and say "it's no big deal, we will use it". But there is no need to use 2 standards. People will simply do like Coinbase did, and adopt Open Oracle only instead of Chainlink.

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Based. Just sold. They are really going all out today, kind of spooky.

So let me get this straight. Link isn't an oracle itself but it's a collection of other oracles that agree to use the LINK token under the LINK umbrella and then LINK consooms oracles as time goes on and gets bigger each time it consooms?

so it's like a pacman that eats oracles?

I think the team is aware and he browses here or used to at one point in his life probably, he fits the MBTI type.

He doesn't appear to announce anything and lets the other side do that for the most part, so besides staking other integrations will be based on corporate public relations. I think Sergey is most concerned with a seamless launch/transition for all parties involved to ensure Chainlink's success. You get one try at this more or less. The price will reflect a flawless production launch so its one and the same a bit.

Thanks, Yea the best thing you can do is generally not engage them if its an emotional argument and if its incorrect information on the tech or something, just post the correction, its what I do for the most part. Its hard for them to work around if you stay on point.

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>whenever staking is announced and functional in any capacity
It isn't going to happen. This is what you don't seem to comprehend.

Thanks OP.
I missed a lot of this thread since last night, thanks for the highlights.

Sure it is, probably mid May early June, before the Oracle announcement in Q3. The Coinbase oracle price feed is an excellent sign staking will come soon so Coinbase can monetize their new data stream through the Chainlink network.

Neet/Anonymous nodes will come once the system has matured a bit and the chance of a 51% attack is significantly lessened. Its a serious concern when there is a low amount of data feeds for an individual piece of data

I missed that thread, awesome highlights, God bless, fren.

Not to mention signed data directly from Coinbase will lessen some of that concern as well. Many nodes not run by Coinbase will use that exact same price feed to perform jobs, stake and earn LINK.

Yes you are on the right track. Chainlink the company itself does run a few oracles/data feeds but yes the system is a collection/decentralized oracle network that any oracle can join. Basically put any oracle standing alone centrally is always less secure than being a part of decentralized aggregation of individual data feeds. Ideally you even want multiple oracle nodes of the exact same data feed from the exact same source. Sergey is truly brilliant because all the other oracle creators focused solely on the efficiency of the tech and creating the best product he created the system in which they all had to join in order to avoid the attack vectors outline in the "oracle problem". He understood bridging the gap for institutions easily was the most important aspect.

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