Look at this normie. Buying 500 LINK and thinking he’s a big shot.
We normie coin now
Lol so cringe
Normie shit token
$27 fee
Not sure if I should sell or just kill myself straight away
this is why normies are so fucking cringe.
>buys link for the first time
>has a lunch money stack
>makes his name and account dedicated to being a LINKIE!
Wait till $1000 EOY then kill self
I bet he sells early as well
Kek at mr Big shot. He even circled 1k LINK like it’s so important.
He drives a lambo. A whale like him won’t care about that fee.
What an absolute piece of shit
How much does he have in total? It better not be more than my 2017 baby stack
Not if you keep up with this 1keoy talk.
Goddamn boomers
>Listen here Jack, how do I open pdf?
I got my boomer dad to buy 185000 chainlink at 30 cents and he still refers to it as a "cyber security." I also did all the work of getting the money onto coinbase and then to binance a d buying it. Boomer thought it was rocket science.
A bit above 3000 according to all his buys on twitter
Fucking normie scum should kill himself
This is what all you fudding faggots get for wasting all your time fudding here and not on twitter where the normies are actually buying.
you can start by mass reporting that chainlinkgod cringe lord
These are just bots from (((Sergey)))
No one is buying this scam token
This desu
The thing next to him might unironically be a guy
He’s gonna sell way to early. Imagine all the hormones buying know how the don’t have a clue about the scope of Link.
My wife is not a man.
I am a racist and I hold Chainlink. And I know I'm not the only one. I first heard of this smartcontract middleware project when posting in Stormfront. We were brain-STORMING (pun intended) some ideas that we nazis could use to undermine women and minorities and some intelligent user brought up investing in the project and became the most upvoted idea. What does Chainlink have to do, at all, with opressing women and minorities you may ask? Well, I will explain to you in a way even a pathetic, weak and stupid female would understand, so you better be grateful here:
Because of the inefficiency of modern day contract enforcement, generally dominated by slow and inefficient government owned courts, in the last decades modern society has seen a huge explosion in the number of people employed as white collar workers. The stereotypes about white collar workers, all of them, are absolutely true. They are lazy pieces of shit, doing non-essential make-work while browsing their phones, maybe doing an hour or two at most or real work in the entire day. This is the context in which women entered the "work"force in masse. Women can't do real jobs. Well, maybe 10% can do something useful, but most of you only strut around in air conditioned offices like you're the hottest shit in the world, while men still do 95% of the work.
So... what is going to happen to all that unnecessary administrative bloat? Thanks to our man Sergey Nazarov the days of you paper pushers, lawyers and other parasites are numbered. Within a decade all these jobs will almost be gone. Smart contracts will make all of you go back into the kitchen, where you should have always been because there won't be a Jew megacorp willing to waste its money in hiring you when NEET nodes will do it for a fraction of the price.
Chainlink, the currency for a bright future where women will be oppressed and niggers curb stomped into extermination!
It's a bog descendant
yes goy, the 327m 24 hour volume is just bots!
>cyber security
thats hilarious lol
>BAT tipping enabled
Lambragg posting 1,000 LINK buys
Stop tickling my balls