Morons, why aren't you looking at this.

All bull and bears will be slaughtered.

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>bulls and bears slaughtered
>frogs prosper

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Fucking chicken little

Go back to your echo chamber you low iq inbred



buffet sounds like a modern day bane

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>not going balls-deep 50/50 in AAPL and BRK
never gonna make it

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i thought we were supposed to be the schizos

Ah yes, Yas Forums, the peak of rational and fact-based thinking
thanks for the heads up

This info is relevant to biz. Give it a read, next week could be interesting.

fucking decapitated

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The op in that thread tried posting it here but you retards didn't read it.

>browsing pol in 2020

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>LARPing schizos on the most Reddit board on Yas Forums think their retarded bullshit holds any water here

just fuck off you stupid cunts, you're a joke here

Did u even read it cunt?

Unfortunately I did, yes.

listen here nazi, if anyone from pol and I fucking mean it ANYONE can predict what a billionaire like warren buffet is doing. I will grow a hitler moustache and start walking the streets sieg heiling. You autistic fucks have created an alternate reality, where evidence and logic is not necessary.

JPmorgan already handles 80% of PPP loans you larping loser
Go back to the aids chamber. Loser


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>OPs post thinks buying financial sector now is "contrarian"
>Banks have made billions off SBA loans already
it's all so tiresome



>Hitler's ass


>You autistic fucks have created an alternate reality, where evidence and logic is not necessary

This. This is fucking based.

This is more retarded than Q.

Why would "our Lord God, financial seer, Warren Buffet" wait until now to purchase banks?
The kindness of his heart? Fuck off.
>hella DEBT that affects the populace
Yes, trillions on corporate bonds really affects the populace. Fuck off.

Let me tell you why this might happen though if there's an inch of truth to it.
Because there is no near term recovery and the ripples of unemployment and a supply chain gone to fuck and a housing market on the verge of collapse again is going to take years to recover from.
Don't get me wrong, I'm buying cheapies up left and right but its in anticipation of an Apex that I expect to come around late June early July with a big bang in the fall.
Buffet isnt stupid, but he's not a financial genius either. His entire strategy is buy and hold. So if he's diversifying out into government backed loans you can bet your ass it's gonna be a rough road ahead.
Get your gains, and get out or get BTFO

While in no way endorsing OP's likely schizo larpitude,

>Why would "our Lord God, financial seer, Warren Buffet" wait until now to purchase banks?

As a forex user, I can say that there is a massive dollar crunch going on here -- the yuros are screaming for USD at any quantity they can get, for any rate they can get, and there is nowhere near supply enough to meet the demand. It's actually shaping up into a trade of the century situation and cocks are rock hard all across the forex market.

So, I suppose it's possible that the king of liquidity might be in a position to quietly buy up some illiquid banks for a comparative song, in order to profit from when Jerome's money printing catches up with demand.

Now I'm gonna need spoon-fed.
I understand that we are reserve and other countries basically use USD to back their own currencies. But how would owning a bank see you benefit from this? I thought that typically they used Treasury bonds as backstop.

It's a liquidity crunch. The amount of dollars in circulation is far below demand for them, so Powell is making the money printer go brr at an insane rate, but it's not keeping up with demand. The eurozone is completely fucked, a hundred times worse than we are, and capital is outright fleeing their continent for shelter in USD.

Banks are woefully undercapitalized and this ravenous worldwide hunger for dollars is kinda fucking everything up. There is the real risk of a deflationary crisis in the USD, which means lots more brrr'ing as Powell tries to stop a collapse in every asset price. Think 2008 when everyone was so desperate for cash that McMansions were on sale for $40,000 and brand new Corvettes were being offered for $20,000 if you were paying cash, and then multiply that by 10 or so.

So it MAY be possible that several banks are completely fucked and unable to meet demand, Buffet knows this, and is about to sidestep out of equities that are about to take a serious hit in value into ownership of banks for pennies on the dollar and then benefit from the inevitable QE and bailouts. Possibly.

That said, fortunes will be made on holding cash and timing when to exit before the next couple trillion QE happens. And it's good news for us, because right now the entire world is literally begging to finance our deficit spending at near-zero and probably soon negative interest rates.

>on reddit
Fuck off nobody cares. Go back.

Damn. Wasn't expecting back a reply like that. Thank you.

Some larpfag wants you to buy his $ACBI bags.

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Go look up the post entailing corona-virus crash. posted in January.

I put it on my wishlist so I can feel bad about it later if i missed the larp-boat of a lifetime