Why do linkers try to make it seem like this is bullish?
Open Oracle is literally a COMPETING standard. And Coinbase chose it instead.
The fact that Chainlink can also use this standard is irrelevant. Anyone can use the standard. The point is no one will be using Chainlink anymore, they'll be using Open Oracle, cause it's superior.
Don't you know it's really bullish when a company releases a product thats your direct competitor and is actually better at what it does? Did you forget were in clown world?
Josiah Bailey
chainlink isn't an oracle. it's a network/framework that consumes oracles like this one you're mentioning
Aaron Gutierrez
Normie shit scam token
Aaron Russell
Open Oracle is literally a network/framework of multiple oracles.
In other words, a direct, better, Chainlink competitor.
Why do linkers try to hide this fact?
Charles Baker
why are linkers ignoring this thread?
Josiah Green
how will linkers ever recover?
Michael Gutierrez
Because you’re obviously dead set in your ways and you’re worthless to fight with. We let our numbers speak for our self
Joseph Evans
>Open Oracle is literally a COMPETING standard. Not according to the people behind Coinbase and Open Oracle.
So Coinbase releases a product in production TODAY that uses a direct oracle network competitor (Open Oracle) standard INSTEAD of using Chainlink.
They purposefully choose ANOTHER standard than Chainlink.
And in your mind, those 3 tweets means they prefer Chainlink? Why didn't they release their product using Chainlink then? How low is your IQ?
Gavin Murphy
is it true? this FUD sounds legit. someone with high IQ please answer so I know if I should sell my bag
James Young
coinbase came out with a free (and probably more secure because less complex = less bugs) alternative to chian link
Christopher Perez
Please sell so I can buy more at a discount
Nolan White
Look into archive for similar threads like this. All this FUD has been adressed multiple times and these fucks never answer. If they are backed into a corner they just start the next thread.
There is a chainlink fud campaign going on right now. Of course you shouldn't trust me on this and do your own research. But the Coinbase/Open Oracle FUD is terrible and if you want just check previous threads in the archive.
Short explanation: Chainlink benefits from both. Coinbase is literally just a signed API price feed that will be used by Chainlink Open Oracle is an oracle standard that makes different systems compatible with each other
Hudson Taylor
kek, no it has not been addressed. Feel free to address it here, where we can BTFO any fake rebuttal you will come up with.
The only reason you're not talking about it here, is because you know if you do, you will get utterly BTFOed because your arguments are easily disproven.
>Chainlink benefits from both. No, Chainlink does not benefit because there's no need to use both Open Oracle and Chainlink together. You could if you wanted, but no one will. You don't need 2 oracle networks that do the same thing. >Coinbase is literally just a signed API price feed that will be used by Chainlink No, it is a signed API that follows the competing oracle network standard Open Oracle. They purposefully did NOT use Chainlink's standard, but a competing, better, free, tokenless, KYCless one. >Open Oracle is an oracle standard that makes different systems compatible with each other It's a oracle network standard that does exactly what Chainlink does (medianizing multiple oracles), but for free, and without token/KYC.
By definition, a standard can be used by anyone, so of course Sergey will lie and say "it's no big deal, we will use it". But there is no need to use 2 standards. People will simply do like Coinbase did, and adopt Open Oracle only instead of Chainlink.
Austin Perry
you unironically don't understand what a standard means
Brody Evans
Free and kyc-less is for hobbyists and proof of concepts. Anything that pertains to business can't use it.
This is like being a car dealership and some non-profit goes and introduces the wheel to niggers in Africa. "Oh but look at all the non car adoption, no one is buying cars now that wheelbarrows and primitive transportation is free!".
Eventually the top 1% of ideas and usecases will evolve to be respectable second class citizens and they will utilize CL like a civilized peoples. Not even scurred.
Open oracle isn't even a proper company you have no idea how any of this shit works do you? also one oracle for a price feed isn't going to change anything anyway. Do you even know what chainlink is trying to do?
Henry Cruz
Lol it’s a standard for Oracles to conform to (similar http for networking). Nothing close to network of oracles
Caleb Morgan
This latest scandal has done it for me. I’ve endured 2 years of sybil fud, toilet fud, JSON parser memes, fake google pnd, 700k dumps, literal dump to zero, fake partnerships (looking at you MOAB), the same slides over and over, stiff competition arriving (BAND, Tellor, UMAprotocol). I’ve endured it all, but this was the straw that broke the camels back. The Link dream is dead friends. We will go down in history as one of the most epic meme campaigns, but unfortunately reality has caught up with us. It was nice knowing you all, I wish you all good luck.
Smart money dumped Link at $4.50 and got into low caps. I made $875,000 and am 50/50 ETH / ARPA
Justin Jackson
R e n t f r e e
Jayden Jackson
It’s not over, but it’s not looking good. At least now I know I’m dumping on roasties and twitterfags and not just Yas Forums. I already feel more sane getting some money out
Ryan Jones
you need to go back, you faggot
Jack King
you can't rely on high quality APIs being free in the long run, therefore a token is required