Is confidence a meme?

Is confidence a meme?

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No. Confidence is a genuine thing that people look for in others. Romantically or platonically.

Are all pajeet babies born with a moustache?

Confidence > Looks in terms of attracting women.

this is not confidence, this is a 3,000 baht worth russian freelancer in Walking Street (Pattaya, Thailand).

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Those are both men.

I should rephrase to status not confidence.

Highly confident males are often high status.

I agree completely

Confident pajeets will be taking your daughters and sisters for years.

Shhuck it bebe




>meet somebody new
>know nothing about them
>important question: is this someone I should have any faith or trust in?

>well, do they seem to have faith and trust in themselves?

It's literally one of the first things you subconsciously evaluate in a new person, possibly the first if the new person's not a gender you're attracted to

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I agree. I’m no looker, but women have always been attracted to me for some reason.

for me this is the opposite
i look like a greek god but women are intimidated by that

Everything is backwards in clown world

speak for yourself NPC

Confidence is a byproduct of status not its cause brainlet.

"Confidence" is too fucking broad and vague to say that.

Confident in what? In playing basketball?

Or maybe confidence just implies you are good at something.
If you are confident in your basketball skills but suck, that will be to easy to disprove. If you are confident in more abstract things, you can lie about being better than you are, without lying in words and not even be able to be confronted about it.

I just got it while writing this. No need to answer.


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I bet he has a monster cock

As far as women go, attraction and affection are not the same thing.

You are a byproduct of my dick, ask your mom.

Money = Confidence

>All your spices are belong to us.

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There are white women who let men date them for a day for $1000 dollars. These women are a nuisance and make life worse for other white women just trying to live their life normally free from thirsty men wanting to grope them.

>Confident in what? In playing basketball?
In yourself you fucking retard.

in what capacity mongrel

In yourself regards to what? Playing basketball?