/smg/ - Stock Market General

Baggies hairline edition


>Stock market Words

>Risk Management

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings


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Do you know what a bump limit is?

ok sorry balding albino looking fat guy ill stop making fun i promise this is the last post


the worst part is hes only 23, zoomer diets are fucked

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We're gonna make it, lads.

We'll have 1m sitting in our portfolios by the time we're 30.

is there a daily/weekly smart money index (or institutional net buying/selling) chart? I can't seem to find shit

Why does this guy keep getting posted here? Whats he known for?


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>bobos thinking there's gonna be another big dip
This isn't a normal economic crash, it's only up from here

Bullish as fuck

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im new to the stock market and I own 3 shares of SPY. I made almost $10 dollarydoos today. Am I gonna make it lads? I have a good feeling about the future

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apparently living rent free

Down $1,800 on British Petroleum.

Do I sell low and cut my losses, Yas Forums?

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Hes the most attractive biztard

What's happening with the biggest airlines? They'll no doubt get bailed out, but will the stock become worthless?

>they didnt buy intel on the bottom
yall missed out on quick bags

pump and dump

smart money is abandoning the sinking ship

next week -15%

asking again because I genuinely want to follow institutional money flow: is there a daily/weekly smart money index (or institutional net buying/selling) chart? I can't seem to find shit

Don't make gambles based on shit getting bailed out, companies can just as likely go through bankruptcy and you will get your equity wiped out

I was holding some UAL for a short period, but decided against it. Some of these airlines might actually fail.

I want to breed Sara Eisen

At minimum most will have to sell off assets and downgrade to stay in business. The bailouts were honestly a paltry sum compared to what would be necessary.

she's a jew

small drop, fed with uncontrolled nigger-pumping

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Literally who the fuck cares.

Money isn't real, you are trading electronic numbers back and forth, you are playing a fucking video game. None of this shit is real and none of it matters.

The market is FAKE, GAY, and JEWISH.

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Unironically bearish

all the better

>too big too fail
I don't think you know how big airlines are

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baggie need to eat an egg once in awhile
not getting enough biotin and iodine, start taking them and your hair and nails grow faster and it slows loss

Bvll. Fvcking. Svrge. I warned yov all. Bvt you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me.



Tip: Learn to ignore day to day losses when market cycles.

Also have you seen how cheap fucking USO is? Another great long hold option for you

>Greatest oil crisis in history
>Greatest debt crisis in history
>Greatest unemployment in history
>Largest stimulus in history
>Stocks almost all time high

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the numbers in my bank account are very real

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I'm not saying they will fail. But they will need to downsize to stay afloat. Even if there are more stimulus packages (which is almost guaranteed).

I bought BA 132 calls expiring on 5/22, did I fuck up? It will go back up, r-right?

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shes married with kids

Am I fucked if I hodl USO over the weekend?

>posted as a joke
>taken as DD

such is life

>zoomer diets are fucked

and the money I take out of the ATM to throw at strippers, is that fake too?

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Just sell when the next bailout package is announced.


she's 50



Do you know what reverse split is and what that usually entails about a stock's value? If not, yes you are good.

>tfw in the fucking whole with WLL

Should I hold over the weekend? I'm banking on the government passing a stimulus for oil companies.

What's a good buy and hold for the weekend?

>market soaring
>Boeing still flat



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I own 50/50 SPY/crypto. Tell me a bit about USO? I might buy some. I have some spare money to invest.

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60% puts on Ford for earnings
40% calls on Euronav

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I think we're at a point where algorithms are just chasing each other's highs

What happens, when it splits, if someone bought 100 shares of USO and sold a call?

Asking for a friend

No bobos here. Just us b-bullfrens, heh.

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So we will keep pumping until retail money arrives back?

It scales to the split.