Who's here smart money?

The "are you ready to bend the knee?" edition

Attached: XTZ.jpg (319x158, 5.09K)

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Targets sirs

why is this shitcoin so big?

havent seen you in a month, you only show up in green days RETARD

Link ATH, then 6$

>the time to LARP edition

Moon>Mars>Jupiter and then Saturn sirs

>green days

i've been coming but not as often, i told you faggots to go in heavy below $2.00 recently and that we're due for a massive pump and here we are


Usd targets please sirs

keep your eye on .0004 sats sirs which was the previous ATH
if we break that then really the moon is the next destination sirs

anyone here has any experience staking Tezos? Sounds like free money but what's the catch?

Attached: lama.jpg (500x500, 40.05K)

Sold mine earlier :)

Threw it on my ledger as an experiment. Took about a month or so for my delegation to be recognized and now I get 'paid' every 3 days. Pretty simple

it is free money user


Same here.
Feels good having it on the ledger and getting paid at the same time.
Takes 40 days for the reward. It rewards hodlers, not traders. Doesn't take as much volume as shitcoins like Eth and LTC with no reward to pump.

Attached: xtz pepe.png (502x497, 357.17K)

I have 1.5 k , is it enough to make it ?

if you hold for a long time and depends what your definition of making it

Just holding 4k. Feels bad

BTC looks good so far, i think we will see $3.00 maybe even more within days

within 4 days max

Something else.. what do you guys think about ETC? Does it have a future? It has been flatlined since the big pump to almost $12.

i never followed ETC, no clue user sorry

send mode: activated

I am a linklet but Tezos is my only other somewhat serious hold. I'm sub 1k still, but it quickly is becoming my favorite hold, specifically because I can stake on my ledger and sleep well at night because of that security. I'll always probably hold more link, but I could see 51:49 in my future

Pretty sure jeff bezos is behind it

How do you stake while it's on ledger?

if this boomer can do it you should be able to

Just pissed at myself for diversifying instead of going all in on this. I have an ETH I bought at 145 that's pumped nicely. But this is the one I devoted most of my loose change to

t. 250 poorfag

hope YOU make it user
YOU will eventually, we all have to start somewhere
