Brazil's justice minister just resigned, the government will collapse soon.
Brazil's justice minister just resigned, the government will collapse soon
Oh no
Not the justice minister of Brazil
>caring about what monkeys do
Next thing you know we're going to lose the Agricultural Minister of Haiti, or the Civil Liberties Director of China
they were out of coffee
sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together
brother to fudido comprei PETR4 a 16,90 e MILS3 a 5.39...... vai cair mais ne irmao? Me toque?
What did he do? Claim Covid-19 was real? Refuse to feed Brazilians aquarium cleaner?
E serio man, da umas dica aqui pra nois faminto, zuera, mais serio que ajuda.
HUE HUE BR amuture day trader here
Listen man, Brasil is corrupt country by nature and history. It goes back all the way to the Portuguese colonizers who would bring more Brazil-Wood in the caravels back to Portugal than they were alowed to. Go further 500 years and 2020 CCP virus.
Economy was getting better since end of 2019, we lost jobs, we lost trust in Governmet( no thanks to pices of shiet coomies basterds).
then this guy shows up.
Supreme Justice Minister Sergio Mouro.
Puts a shit load of corrupt politicians in jail.
He is seen as a saint by common Brazilians. unconstitucional, but a saint. Ex-paratrooper get elected president, (remember we had a dictatorship here from 64-89 -+) people love him. then this
hell IDK MAN!
Bolsonaro wants to put the director of ABIN (an intelligence organ directly under his control, the director is also his personal friend and helped his campaign) as director of the Federal Police (which acts basically as the government's internal affairs), indirectly taking control of the federal police.
the supreme justice guy and the president have been around sine 2016, not as president, but never the less
... Who cares?
whens bolsonaro going to go full hitler
if the ape does, he should. and if your NOT gay should should you buddy
>Another bad news from bolsonaro's government
Why are you surprised?
Se fudeu, agora é só ladeira abaixo
i thought there be more Brasileiros here on /biz.
There`s like 3.
semana que vem vai ser uma merda entao. Era pra gente aproveitar que os gringo tava brrrrrrr.
Te gente falando que piora no USA a economia ainda. Eu uso xp e vcs seus noia?
naquela voz boa, "mais ou menos, mais ou menos"
How come everything is so corrupt everywhere?
Are honourable men just inexistent? Or they just don't want to get involved?
From Yas Forums
Bolsonaro saying X today and saying not X in the next day is the most common thing ever. Started during his campaign even, he realized he can bury the past with "fake news" allegations and doing more outrageous shit today. And it works.
what are we buying on IBOVESPA today then boys?
Just a side effect of globalism and no sense of loyalty to your country is all
Bolsonaro is absolutely fucking based. If anybody tries to overthrow him USA needs to invade Brazil and back him.
Can some Brazilians tell me how much I'd need to retire comfortably in Brazil? I want to retire at 50 in a Latin American country.
do it somewhere else, it's not worth living here. if it's cheap, it's not worthy.
trust me
B-But I like Brasiu user
How much would you estimate if I went to live in a small city in Goias, Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo or Parana?