Is there a better feeling walking out of the supermarket and you only payed for half of the stuff because you are a...

is there a better feeling walking out of the supermarket and you only payed for half of the stuff because you are a steal chad?

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steal chad? you mean nigger.
ngmi user. impossible. not until you shed you're poorfag habits and develop wealthy man habits. that's how it works.

In my state shoplifting is not a crime as long as the total equals less than $950

I havent paid for groceries for about 3 months now.

based, fuck giant corporations and fuck boomer investors

fucking based

Same here I just take $949 worth of groceries and leave in plain sight over and over and nobody can do anything because it’s legal

So you just fill your trolley to the brim and walk out? What dystopian state is this?

ever noticed that the stuff you steal actually tastes better? idk why

based hysterical brit

paid. learn to spell nigger

>not realizing that people who steal the most are the ones that make it to the top
seems like you're the one who's ngmi

The Gay Peoples Republic of California.

And yes, I just fill up several tote bags in my cart then walk out with them. If boomer managers try to stop me and put their hands on me, THEY will be the ones in trouble and they know it. If they call the cops to report petty theft the cops literally just hang up. Our based governor is a criminal looking out for criminals.

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Based SanFran literal shitposters.

never in your life have you ever met or known anyone made who steals from fucking wallmart. kek. nice try though. people with money don't even go into wallmart.

>Entering an open business with the intent to steal less than $950 worth of property is shoplifting under California state law (Penal Code 495.5). Shoplifting is usually treated as a misdemeanor — unless you have some major prior convictions — punishable by a half-year in county jail and fines of up to $1,000.

>All lowercase post
>Ayy yo rich people don't even shop at Wallmart lmaofam

I’m french and you fucking niggers disgust me.

Fuck you.

trips for the man in the picture

fucking based.

>actually thinking this is how it is in real life

I can tell you dont live here. Its also 'illegal' on the books to hire a beaner and pay him cash under the table, and look how that works out

lol i thought i was the only one doing this
i steal almost all of my stuff
power tools, computer parts, groceries etc
i have money and i would never steal from a small business

what world do you fuckers live in?
I'm making a thread about this in Yas Forums

based chads in this thread.

How the fuck can it be legal to steal $950 worth of food?

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>wealthy man habits
So stealing, but behind several layers of abstraction.

Live in California or dallas/ft worth

yo gay??

True wealthy people are misers, constantly shitting on people at every turn. It's how they stay rich.

I steal toothpaste, shampoo, lotion, soap, sometime meats if I can stuff them down my pants without anyone seeing, snacks and clothes (literally grab 2-3 pairs and put them under your already worn clothes, return to shelf and leave)

Saved me hundreds if not thousands already

Shoplifting is white trash but okay

why, r u interested?
kek where else would a thread about stealing groceries go

>steal chad
you misspelled "thief"

Theft is below beta you faggot

Thieves rule Russian prisons, not brutes