ITT: We draw our own Wojaks, even if you suck at drawing, give it a go, its fun at the least

ITT: We draw our own Wojaks, even if you suck at drawing, give it a go, its fun at the least

You can download the template attached to this thread

Attached: wojaktemplate.jpg (500x500, 7.4K)

feedback welcome

Attached: woak1.jpg (500x500, 28.21K)

Literally thousands of images made over the past decade and a half. Somehow, against all odds, that STILL isn't good enough to satisfy your never-ending crave for reddit-tier ad-hominem.

Attached: 1585720200189.jpg (242x242, 11.08K)

You must be fun at parties.. who hurt you?

drawing is good for the soul cmon

Attached: woak2.jpg (500x500, 25.12K)

Attached: wojak3.jpg (500x500, 21.88K)

Attached: wojak4.jpg (500x500, 15.23K)


Attached: wojak5.jpg (500x500, 35.83K)

Attached: FF1C9731-CAC2-4BEF-8AC2-EDD66897058B.jpg (2048x1536, 228.84K)

what did the artist mean by this drawing? why the nasa shirt

I drew it, its just my representation of a cynical liberal, and The nasa shirt is common among these types

thank you for your contributation

this board

Attached: wojak.png (630x865, 36.47K)

>tfw tried to swing my linkes before the latest pump

Attached: OC_Pink_Wojak.png (1090x696, 67.9K)

Attached: wojak.png (667x488, 14.2K)

Attached: CircleJack.png (773x864, 24.23K)

good thread by the way OP, a welcome break from all the shit on this board



No wonder that guys a virgin loser

Yep, because we're the people of science and reason unless we're talking about chromosomes and biology and also shut up you bigot.

that is a very unique style. u might be onto something user. got another one in you?

This looks about like what mine would be

Simple, yet so much detail in the shadows of the teeth. You've got real talent son!

Attached: 1584389425083.jpg (960x640, 168.87K)

Thanks! First time posting it. Made this in MS paint with the circle tool a long time ago, but never posted.

>room full of dozen men

Attached: wtfwojdat.jpg (500x500, 189.65K)

Retarddit confirmed.

Attached: 1580567812705.jpg (720x720, 49.21K)

Here’s my Wojak :3

Attached: Wojak.jpg (1024x1024, 130.82K)