Is Switzerland "THE" /makeit/ country?

Is Switzerland "THE" /makeit/ country?

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Looks comfy

yes. period.
don't come here if you haven't made it yet. ty.
t. mountain jew


Isn't it full of "immigrants" and drug addicts these days?

fuck off, we're full

A Toilet cleaners and Supermarket workers get paid around $3,000 per month. Too bad a Starbucks coffee is $20 a cup and going to a cheap crappy restaurant costs about $200. As high as the wage cucks wages are they are still cucks because everything is overpriced

slovenia is cheaper

I make 4000$ at a retard level office job and just drive to Germany for my groceries and most other stuff, it's literally cheat code for life.

not your call mountain kike

its like there is a correlation between cost of living and wages

Fuck that, I'm gonna make it and move to Norway.

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this, even switzerland cannot escape europe's demise

Rural and based.

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>whole valley fulla multifamily housing crammed up together
Bitch, I live better than that already.

they make 4k per month.

Went there for weekend, looked like mix of old and 70's buildings. Streets full of young male immigranta in black jackets.
Poland is much nicer place to go for holiday.

but it is fuckface, even if you sneak in you'll never get the permit for anything else than being a seasonal toilet cleaner

I'd go to Norway for the comfy prisons. You can put a nog in the hospital and spend a year or so in a three star hotel.

he does not now about direct democracy

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If there's just one, it's probably Monaco. Literally an endgame zone.

my serbian friend said they have a word that doesn't quite translate, but it's a 'police country' every house is a miniture police station.

he isn't wrong, very weird, very uptight people, im guessing it's the germanic genes

I lived in Switzerland for a year with my Swiss girlfriend. Basel + Zurich are interesting in certain places, but for the most part, they sort of blow.

The people there are suspicious, private, very unassuming taskmasters.

t. New Yorker

can confirm, im a french guy who moved near geneva and work here, i make 3k5 euros/month doing a blue collar job and got 8-10 weeks of hollidays every year, and i live on the french side of the border 20 min away from my workplace
also even tho there are a lot of migrants here its still safe as fuck, any middle sized french town is like detroit compared to this place

Beautiful county but the people are weirdo faggots. They make Germans seem spontaneous and lively.


Will only come once I’ve made it, and will contribute in every way I can, I promise.

Imagine typing this out and posting it unironically

which cities would you say are the best if you dont work there but have infinite money?

As a norwegian student I were honestly surprised when the swiss exchange students made remarks about how friendly and open we are, as usually people from abroad tends to say the opposite about us. Didnt give it much thought until a few years later I ended up in switzerland. Norwegians are a strange, not too open kind of people but holy shit the swiss are evil robot people, we in norway at least try to be human and force a smile and hello when meeting our neighbours but the swiss is just a horror type of people I dont think they are humans.

when Europe is overrun with starving migrants, it's gonna go down fast.

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I want to live in Wyoming...

whoa that's pretty harsh bro

Panama unless you don't want superior latina pussy

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they have guns

>don't come here
How bout i gas you then take your house as my own? Seems fair as God told me it's okay.


Immigrants yes, drug addicts no.

Yeah, and you also earn around 120€ a month.

Depends on the area. But in general it's the most boring place in whole europe.

Also there are a lot of male immigrants and the female ones are career wymyns in their 30s. So very bad for finding a mate.