Sick of these motherfuckers who are on 10 different stimulants pulling 20 hour work days every day of the fucking week

Sick of these motherfuckers who are on 10 different stimulants pulling 20 hour work days every day of the fucking week.

How can you even compete if you natty

Dumb ass co-worker just got put forward for a promotion and he pops like 5 Ritalin per day

You can't even compete with these assholes because they are like laser focused zombies just pumping through fucking projects

Time for me to get my hands on some of these

Do I have to fake autism?

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Just buy them online.

Imagine forcing your body to slave away for your boss more than it naturally can, losing your health in the process. Why the fuck would you do this? This is the ultimate cuck
Learn time management and building systems instead

>co-worker on ritalin
just take adderall lmao, you'll be even better

imagine being OP and being Jelouas of these ultimate super slaves. that's even worse.

I work 4 hours a day and get paid for 8.
I value my health and wellbeing, not mr shekelsteins wealth.

What are your guys experiences with beta blockers or xanax?

I do 2 hours of work and get paid for 10. ;)

What are the side-efects? Isn't that cocain and you might go full junkie?

anyway if you really want to be a fucking retard. instead of doing rilatin, look into smart drugs


supposingly NOT neurotoxic, rilatin is an amphetamine and damages your brain neurons.

if you want a smart drug more similar to rilatin ( that will give you slight addiction and some minor damage ) check out Modafinil

anyway if you use these things you are pretty stupid all in all. I experimented with them. they work however... well...

I think it comes at a price that they haven't discovered yet since these drugs are so new.

stims fuck up your appetite, sleep and emotions(some of them also fuck up your heart).
They also build up tolerance so you have to keep upping the dose for the same effect.

Checked. Don't be a poor if you don't want to but don't kill yourself for Mr. Noseberg.

>Do I have to FAKE autism?

I don't think so, pal.

>How can you even compete if you natty
By not entering the race and just sitting tight with a bag of ARPA?

I've never been happier with my self-employment than when I read threads like this.

>5 ritalin per day
Ritalin is horrible shit. Adderall or dexamphetamine is what you want.
Doing any stimulant everyday for long periods of time will burn you out and cause addiction, though.

My doctor unironically gives me this for free. Kiddies cocaine I call it, allows me to trade like a beast. Bonus points if it is rectally administered as it goes straight to the bloodstream instead of through the liver first.

How about don't be a fucking idiot with stims? I take 1-2 times per week, enough for zero tolerance to build and maximum effects.

lol you absolute tarderino.

>> 5 piils of legal grade amphetamine is horrible shit
>> let me suggest these other legal amphetamines derivatives

absolute mong :D

This guy gets it. I do the same with dexamphetamine. Just save it for those days you feel low on energy.

ritalin is not an amph and yes it's dogshit compared to real amph

>destroying yourself so kike will pat your back later

amerimutts, they never learn

fuck off faggot methylphenidate works in a very similar way to dexamphetamine, 5mg amph =~ 10mg mph

I'm assuming you have never taken dexamphetamine, kek. Ritalin is nowhere near as strong and doesn't give the same level of focus.

For what? Maybe good if you have anxiety and do a lot of public speaking.

Hey fren.
Armodafinil is not that bad you know.
Take quarter of a 150mg pill in the morning and you will be ahead of your peers.
Should try it.

Real amph is way worse for you tho shit for brains

Sad but true user

I take at least 20mg a day sometimes 40mg of oldskool Nazi amphetamine ( Adderall ) do not take Ritalin they gave it to me when i was a kid and I saw the shadow people.

Unironically though been at the same job past 5 years and I now tell people twice my age who have been there twice as long what to do. Fortune 500 btw.

I owe my success to Adderall and Testosterone injections. Not going to pretend I could have done this on my own. Also started fucking one of the lab tech girls and still fucking her 5 years later.

Used to get my shit from the darknet but I have a script now. Just get it through a tele doc over skype or some shit.

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Do you monitor your blood pressure, user?

It's a lifelong thing that parents put on their kids when grades in elementary school matters as much as social interaction. Just tell a doctor you're having a hard time focusing on one thing for more than a minute.

smoke crack for a natural energy boost fren
