By the end of May Craig will shock the world

By the end of May Craig will shock the world....

Attached: csv.jpg (668x680, 59.87K)

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reported for hacking 4channel

please stop posting this homosexual scam

Attached: 1587253907060.jpg (1024x764, 108.18K)

>600% increase in 5 weeks

How do you absolute fucking subhumans remember to breathe?

Attached: hamsterWheel.png (645x773, 87.12K)

don't tell me - the bonded courier will finally arrive

Goodluck with the new delay scam excuse.
Bonded Courier delayed because he had the corona chan.

Attached: download.jpg (248x203, 8.39K)

Cease and desist

the newfags here dont even realize this screenshot is from 2019

All in and STIFF!
Stop speculating and actually use BitCoin for something.

He didn't post anything??

By the end of may he will be in jail probably. Absolute fraud.

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I can genuinely see a class action lawsuit coming for the unrelenting lies this cretin empties on to the world.
Biz vs CSW

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If all this was a show, he was a convincing con man. I left thinking that, despite everything, yes, this could be Satoshi Nakamoto. It was a few days later that I got the email from Dr Courtois, who had examined the evidence we had been shown.

"Stuart," he wrote. "Craig has cheated us. It is a hoax. I have proof."

"The monkey-er is Satoshi Nakamoto." --Craig Wright

'I do not generally call price'
>Proceeds to predict an absurd number
This guy is full of shit.


we would win

bro nigga just move 1 btc and everyone knows ur satoshi what is this theatre lmaoo

paseq and reqbilleq

yes plsm buy bsv sirs


see that's how you 'didn't post anything'.

so󠠭yboy - see, no onions either. tb󠠭h it's so easy - no desu. and so on and so on...

He's said that in the past.

Doesn't come true...


May 2020, then may 2021, then may 2022.... will this fraud ever actually deliver on anything ?

The biggest lmao is that Hex is gonna be more valuable than BSV. And Hex is clearly scam.

Greg will be in jail by end of May. cap this.

Hex was created so Satoshi could claim his coins anonymously

And I don't mean creg