Would you go to jail for rape if you didn't pay a prostitute after fucking her...

Would you go to jail for rape if you didn't pay a prostitute after fucking her? I noticed a lot of dumb thots are getting into "sex work" and I imagine most of them don't have pimps because they're just dumb art hos with no street connections. What do y'all think? Is stiffing hookers a good financial decision?

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its a fact they secretly hope a chad does this to them
if you are ugly its theft

You'd probably be charged with defrauding an innkeeper rather than rape.

Obviously that's not my concern so what are the legal ramifications? Is it legally rape?

It depends. In my area prostitution is illegal, so it would be an illegal contract and the money couldn't be enforced. But of course you would get a prostitution charge.

why are you so concerned just with getting free pussy you nerd? when you could be training these hos and getting checks

fuck man. y’all need to listen to some larry june if you ever wanna make it off your mamas couch

based black user

Its a tort, she gave consent because she was defrauded.

you could be criminally prosecuted if she flat out lied and said you raped her,

otherwise you could be liable for some type of tort damages for lying to get sex (very unlikely)

im a lawschool fag

There can't be tort on an illegal contract.

You're forgetting that in a court setting, a woman's word is taken for truth at all times, and a man's word isn't. Don't worry though because the influx of whores on the market will lower the price massively

>I noticed a lot of dumb thots are getting into "sex work"
Define "sex work".
Nowadays those stupid thots don't even let you smell their pussy.
They drain your bank account with "premium contents" sending you clothed pics of their sexy poses.

Sex as a physical act is an outdated concept, real money are made from cucks subscribing to thots like they are a fucking Netflix subscription.

I've never met a postitute that didnt want the money upfront

Not hard to get that money back if you have a bit of tenacity.

If you have sex with a woman and she later regrets it, it's rape. The jewdicial system supports women over logic and reason.

Wow this is some incel shit. Imagine if getting laid was this hard..

scamming hookers with no morals, drug problems and shady connections sounds like a great idea user , let me know how that works out for you

Worst case you catch a charge for soliciting prostitution. Best case she has no recourse and reports nothing.

Worst case he gets stabbed.

The risks of getting arrested for robbing a hooker isn't worth putting having sex

ffs are these are the type of r/r scenarios that this board's 'investors' actually run by themselves? OP either has a room temp IQ or incurable incel coombrain disorder.

>best case scenario:
save $200, blackballed by all sex workers in the area (also you now have herpes)
>worst case scenario:
rape charge

>real world scenario:
beaten the fuck up by her 'handler' on video and extorted like a simp paypig at risk of your personal and professional life

By an ethot? Unless she has a BBC pimp he'll be fine.

There was an old pasta on Yas Forums about a guy inviting student girls over that were doing escort jobs on the side.

He'd start off very shy, saying it's his first time and all and then ended up viciously fucking their ass.

He got away with it cuz the girls' reputations are more precious to them than their assholes apparently

i paid some tinder thot for sex once.. she was pretty hot and freaky but didn't believe in shaving her bush so that was kinda weird (at least she shaved her pits though)

i had a friend visit from out of state once and told her we'd both pay her $400 to double team her.. so we did .. and only he paid.. I told her basically that she got some money and I wasn't paying since I paid once before.. she sent me a couple messages after and even some desperate one like a month or two after saying I really owed it to her and some shit.. I didnt even respond.. she lived like 2 hours away so yeah

but to answer your question OP, prostitution or not literally any girl could claim rape and potentially fuck your life over

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>How hard up is /vg

So hard up, they're trying to figure out how to stiff prostitutes.

This is one of those moments in life you should re-evaluate it all.

But you won't.

PS - bad idea. A rape charge is pretty easy these days, and the ones that do personal meetups have people ready to fuck you up for pulling shit - and then calling the cops. So, which is cheaper - a couple hundred to get laid, or tens of thousands for lawyers, your reputation destroyed, a felony record which means no career, and getting ass raped in prison. (Spoiler: rapists tend to do poorly in prison)

We all know you're all talk, but seriously, it's a come to Jebus moment for your incel ass.

The money is a "tip" so it's not prostitution.
Women accuse anyone of rape, why would you take the chance?


>The money is a "tip" so it's not prostitution.
Who are you trying to convince with this bullshit? A judge? Let's see you try that shit in front of an actual judge, and see how fast they slap your ass down with actual prostitution charges.
>Women accuse anyone of rape, why would you take the chance?
This is accurate. You show up to a strangers apartment for prostitution, you try to stiff her (in the bizarro world where they don't want the cash pay paled up front, because incel fantasy), and her roommate/neighbor/boyfriend tells the cops they heard her say "No", and angry words from you. Hello felony charges and your life in the shitter.

But incel fantasy thread, so that could NEVER happen.

Organic Whole Foods Smoothie Based Chicken God
Keep the scale in the kitchen, hoe.

Why don't you buy some Suterusu so you can go get your head checked and stop being so terrible of a human?

you pay beforehand
if you take it back it's robbery, not rape

numbers you’re doin good user