>people think I'm neet
>I own 3 rental properties
How do I cope with this feel?
>people think I'm neet
>I own 3 rental properties
How do I cope with this feel?
You are a neet.
I guess so if you classify business owners as neet.
>Don't call me a NEET! I have pride, I'm a parasite!
>people who invest and provide housing are parasites
>those who waste their money on frilivous shit are not
Leftists deserve to be burned alive desu.
>wants everything handed to him for free
>calls someone else a parasite
Just a reminder rent WILL be due soon. I hope you didn't blow your money on star wars dolls.
Get a job?
>Anime libertarian retard
I engage in online not assisted arbitrage. What I do creates no actual value, but I'm not on here pretending like I provide a service.
Ok well I just took out a loan to buy all the air. I'll mail you the air bill next month for all the air I provided you.
you don't provide anything
uhhhh based dept
Imagine being a seething bootlicker lmao
>What I do creates no actual value
Arbirage actually creates value but okay.
>uy all the air.
Too bad things that are virtually unlimited resources aren't actually for sale in a free market.
Places for people to live?
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Reminder that socialists deserve to be burned alive.
Reminder that only like 35% of americans rent and at the same time american leftists pretend like owning a home is an impossible task that only the bourgeioise can do lmao.
Most Americans own their homes.
>provide housing
Be honest with yourself, you "provide" an overpriced service. How often do you interact with your tenants or properties outside the context of rent payments and fixing broken shit as cheaply as possible? Your "investment" takes zero skill and contributes nothing of value to the community. Were a family to own the property that you rent out, they would be able to build equity and create a future for themselves. Instead, you use the profit from that transaction to, as you projected onto me, >waste money on frilivous shit
kys you subhuman parasite, you create NOTHING of value
i own the house out of which i run two businesses, eat shit
this is literally your subjective opinon man
If housing units are overpriced, it means the supply is low and it creates an incentive for people to invest and provide more of them to people.
It's the government that is preventing a massive amount of housing units from being built.
>How often do you interact with your tenants or properties outside the context of rent payments and fixing broken shit as cheaply as possible?
A decent amount.
It doesn't matter though, my original underconsumption, investment and time spent personally fixing the property is what matters.
>Your "investment" takes zero skill
Wrong, also it's not skill that matters, it's value.
>contributes nothing of value to the community
HOUSING is nothing of value? lmao
>Were a family to own the property that you rent out, they would be able to build equity and create a future for themselves.
Most people DO own their own homes.
I'm providing a service to those who aren't in a financial situation to be able to do this.
>you use the profit from that transaction
Oh no, how horrible, profiting from benefitting society.
Quit being a fat and ugly neck beard
I shill against landlords because I want the market to drop so I can buy in cheaper. I'm spamming all the commie shit all over twitter encouraging them to default, just to spread FUD. Go on, capitulate already so I can buy housing bags on discount.
>people think I'm neet
Larp more. Most normies have no idea what a neet is.
im cute tho
>I shill against landlords because I want the market to drop so I can buy in cheaper.
In that case, dont shill against us, shill against central banking.
The only reason housing is so expensive is central banks are propping it up and fucking over renters.
Weak bait
>It's the government that is preventing a massive amount of housing units from being built.
Done at the behest of landlords.
The house exists whether or not you own it. You created nothing, you are a middleman. You did not build the house, and you do not create things that other people want to buy.
>Wrong, also it's not skill that matters, it's value.
And your involvement in the process does not create value. You are the steward for an existing creation from which you make money because you happen to own and, I'm willing to bet because you're posting bait self justification threads on Yas Forums, barely maintain it.
>HOUSING is nothing of value? lmao
Your ownership and involvement is nothing of value. The structure, the housing itself, is the value.
>I'm providing a service to those who aren't in a financial situation to be able to do this.
By competing in the market to own three rental properties, you have contributed to higher prices and lower supply for people who want to own their homes, all because you want to make money to effectively do nothing.
>profiting from benefitting society
if you died tomorrow your community would not notice that you stopped "providing" your bullshit service
How’d you get a mortgage with no w2
You're fundamentally the same as the people that bought up loads of toilet paper and "provided" it in on ebay for an upcharge. I'm PRoViDINg a WAy FoR PeOPLe tO WiPE TheIr aSS. When you know you're just exploiting a situation.
get a hobby, get Yas Forums, build more wealth, network, get in to philanthropy,
Fuck you OP
Hihihi based.
Also check these dubble integers at the end of my post id
When all the offices open back up, go to Starbux in your jammies at around 8am and order a hot coco, dont forget your switch.
What "bait"?
Is this not the business board?
>Done at the behest of landlords.
Not entirely true, but yes, I agree, government policy benefits homeowners at the expense of those who don't own homes. It's statism anti-free market bullshit.
>You're fundamentally the same as the people that bought up loads of toilet paper and "provided" it in on ebay for an upcharge.
lmao not even fucking close you brain dead neet
I actually provide and maintain housing unlike you.
The main difference between me and you is the fact I SAVED and INVESTMENT my money while you bought dragon dildos.
Getting rid of the landlord won't make housing less expensive. This one of the oldest fallacies.
>the parasite projection again
you are the one who wants to live in someone else's house for free, you are the parasite
>The house exists whether or not you own it. You created nothing
The houses I bought were unlivable dumps before I bought them. I renovated them and made them livable.
You on the other hand provide nothing.
>You did not build the house
I saved up money(contributing to economic production without consuming it) and bought it from someone who did.
You did nothing.
>And your involvement in the process does not create value.
Putting rental units on the market that didn't use to be there doesn't create value?
>barely maintain it.
Do you have any idea what landlords do.
I can see you don't own any property whatsoever.
65% of americans do. Why don't you?
>The structure, the housing itself, is the value.
lmao the structure was nothing before I renovated and maintained it.
>you have contributed to higher prices and lower supply
Complete opposite. I have contributed to LOWER prices for rental units(because this is what the market demanded) making it EASIER for people who aren't in a situation to own a home to be able to save more money to buy a home.
>if you died tomorrow your community would not notice that you stopped "providing" your bullshit service
If all the landlords died, the people living in these rental units would go homeless in 1-2 months desu
OP creates value by letting people sleep under a roof, when they otherwise can't get approved for a mortgage.
OP has bills. Why should rent be free?
The leftists parasites seething at "muh landlords" will NEVER EVER EVER take the inititive to actually save up enough money to buy their own property. They will stay perpetual losers forever.
The majority of the population is in a different economic class as them(home owners) and would have them KILLED at a moments notice if they ever tried anything lmao.
low IQ
They are just jealous user don’t bother your self with the silly opinions of other people focus on you!
>Putting people in a worse financial position into indentured servitude for you to pay off your mortgage and then ripping them off a little more for profit isn't exploiting them.
>OP creates value by letting people sleep under a roof, when they otherwise can't get approved for a mortgage.
That's why capitalism is fucked up because poor people have no choice but to get exploited by OP to pay his mortgage or have no shelter.
Oh I am. I'm just shilling a total revolution, "workers, cast off your chains!" and such. Leftists are all pussies so I doubt they'll actually rise up, but anying I can do to help generate FUD is good.
How about you stop being such a retard and MAKE MORE MONEY?
>Increasing the supply of houses for sale won't decrease the cost of buying a house
>Cutting completely unnecessary middlemen out of the housing market won't decrease the cost of housing
Stop deluding yourself.
>Not entirely true, but yes, I agree, government policy benefits homeowners at the expense of those who don't own homes. It's statism anti-free market bullshit.
I mean it was also done for the sake of bankers.
So what? Morality is a spook.