You know he’s right
You know he’s right
what a pathetic boot licker
That's essential, soiboi
Nick Fuentys Grouper Style
I take no pleasure in seeing my libright bros go full retard. In just gonna sit over here in libleft until they chill out a bit
this dude makes the same 5 jokes on rotation, can't trust his opinion
>Projection comics
What’s up with these Yas Forums type thread popping up?
>says the goy who can’t wait to risk his life so some billionaire’s stocks can recover
Americans are goyim cattle
Conservatives are literally protesting to open up golf courses and sportsball venues lmao. They can’t stand being deprived of their degenerate consoom lifestyle.
Is Twitter full of 12 year olds? Do people actually find this vapid shit interesting?
leftists want to be slaves
normal people want to be free
I'm actually Swedish.
I have no idea what he’s even talking about. Schizo
You’re personal delusion of reality is a specially retarded kind isn’t it?
>not allowed to open business
>forced by government to stay at home and be dependent to the government
libs are so cringe
what he said is x10 as true in your case
is just shaved my is hard about haircut dafaq..
'All the people' no it's actually just a small fraction, whilst lefties are crying all over twitter blaming trump for the virus and calling the virus racist because niggers can't obey simple hygiene and rules
how would you know
blown the fuck out lol
who is going to produce the 10 gallons of s 0 i that you drink everyday if everyone stays home faggot?
oh look, another kike thread
People are seething because he's right.
every person on this list except for the first one is a hardcore neverTrumper democrat
Nah, I'm 100% aryan and Sweden is still 80% white.
Meanwhile cuckmerica is 30% white (at best) and all "whites" are slightly racemixed.
You all secretly wish you could be me.
marxist NPC's are never right even if the people in your example are retarded