Redpill me on WSB

Redpill me on WSB

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Literally who?


Dude if you want to browse this sub go and do it stop asking for validation bitch

these faggots unironically lost me half of my money. I placed puts at the very bottom of the fucking bear market, so did half of the other faggots.

>poor now
>will be even poorer in a week

always do the opposite of what biz says

Its good if you ever felt bad about losing money on an investment and wanted to see how much worse it could have been

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Made 13k fucking with options from 2k.

Lost it all lol on spy puts.

tell me how to use options. when it says maximum risk on the page thats the most i stand to lose on a call, yes?

If you don't sell it then you haven't lost anything, your money is just being held hostage for a year or two.

if you are selling options they are your target market

At least there's actually cool people who bet their life savings and 1/500 maybe get lucky and make it. And only 1 of 50 of those who make it not lose all their money gambling again.
On biz there's just autists holding crypto crabbing for years.

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I went on there and listened to this guy called "variation separate" and "wsbgod" who was supposedly a genius with "incredible insight" and multi-millionaire options trader respectively. They made multi-paragraph long DD (due diligence) that was convincing as fuck. I have never felt so fucking sure as the sun will rise that the SPY was going to 180 by now.

Basically went all in on SPY puts in the middle of march and picked 4/17 expiration to "be safe" because most people on there at the time were buying 3/27.

Needless to say, I lost fucking everything. Then I find out those guys were just a college faggot with no experience and a fake account. One of my bigger positions was PTON puts because who the fuck was buying $2k+ exercise bikes in the great depression? Now I get pissed as hell whenever someone mentions peloton around me. I just fucking seethe uncontrollably when I hear that name.

Licked my wounds and finally got my $50k bonus for 2019 so I went all in on 9/18 SPY 250 puts. No more risky shit that expires in less than a month.

con more normie than biz

pro no crypto fags

How much did you lose. I'm a poorfag and lost 4k and hate myself but still have more savings than some of my friends

I went on wsb for a month or so and then the SPY puts meme started. I've never seen such a mass of actual fucking retards. Never touching reddit again. You're a dumb fuck sheep dude

Everyone here is a member of WSB. Disregard their lies in this thread. The humor and culture of WSB oozes Yas Forums. I mean they even have it in their fucking description.

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>Not knowing to always do the opposite of WSB

about $11k so far.

Speak for yourself you fucking faggot

Options have expire date tardling

I kind of enjoy it more. Lots of Yas Forums culture but there are tons of reddit normies who seethe when i drop redpills about kikes and niggers

LMAO I also lost money betting against PTON and it's the only thing I've lost money with the past month. Luckily I only lost 500

Skinner's pigeon experiment but reddit retards

Weaponized retardation

Just a bunch of autists gambling with options trading.

I say gambling because they don't do any sort of risk assessments or research. I only ever partake in the options market once a year due to how risky it is and i always do research before i buy puts or calls. Save up money and put it into a mutual fund for constant return rates.

its 4 chan with more brotherly love and no racism

sounds really gay

Not as bad as I was expecting given your bonus check is more than I make in a year. But good luck with those Puts, hope you make some bank

It's the closest to Yas Forums culture that reddit is willing to get, so it's something at least.

Financecool cringe club

Ayy lmao

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Nah. It had it's time a couple years back but it's just a pump and dump scene these days. There's a sucker born every minute and the people running wsb are harvesting cash.

Go on r/options or r/investing if you don’t want the Yas Forums-lite that is wsb