I have been microinvesting for about 2 years, forgot about a shitty stock that tanked, checked back in on the app about a month ago bc my Spidey senses were tingling and now it appears my penny stocks are finally making some gains. All oil. I know it's not a lot but I think it's cool that it's finally going up
I have been microinvesting for about 2 years, forgot about a shitty stock that tanked...
>Up $3.39
>Since May 4, 2018
Why not go all in on a stupidly volatile penny stock that’s obviously being manipulated if you’re going to go that route anyway? You made less than $4 in two years user
look at this rich fag.
It's microinvesting, I'm slowly learning how the market works and training myself to not overreact to things by only spending $.25 here and there.
Plus, I'd rather be up $3.39 than down $33,900.
Sorry I completely missed that crucial part of your post because I skimmed over your thread like a mongoloid
No worries.
Do you or anyone have advice on what penny stocks will net me a burger here or a fries there?
2 years later and $33 what the fuck is this thread
I'm microinvesting 50 bucks a paycheck on penny stocks I find on here and made about 1500 over 3 months. While you don't need to watch the market daily, you do have to trade if you wanna make the market work. Sitting on stupid shit for years won't do much good for you unless you sell when it's clear it's not moving.
Comfy as fuck. Based folio user
I guess the money isn't important to me right now, I'm just trying to learn about patterns and such if that makes sense. Again, id rather be up $3 than out my life savings or something.
You won't lose your life savings if you don't spend it. Just set aside some cash each paycheck for investing and play around. The market doesn't work for you, you work for it. This is what I got for the week after staying awol, and I didn't start til yesterday.
tfw i can only micro invest cause i'm super poor
This is what I got last week by going all in on FANG. Gonna hold till end of year
Can you show us your portfolio?
Did you mean to say microdosing?
>Tfw wage slave
I only have so much to put in, what did you start off with?
is that fucking WLL
this is more of what the average biztard is actualy investing
I made like 50 bucks off XOM in a week.
It’s all FANG
60 shares FANG
75 shares MRO
Show me a screenshot
FANG isn't a fucking company retard it's an acronym
Never going to make it.
FANG = Diamondback Energy Inc
who is retarded?
What app? I'm new to investing