/smg/ - Stock Market General

Lord of the Rings edition

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>Educational Sites

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>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings


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>mfw I spent 90% of my savings on SPCE calls

kill me

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Whos holding over weekend? Im hoping jerome will eod pump

My gfs entire family got it and my cousin got it, all fine within a week

your gf has weak genes. doomp heem

Hahhahaha do you understand their business? And when was the call?


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>not yolo'ing on AMD calls and SPY puts

i just want my fucking taco bell is that so hard to ask

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>Man that’d really suck if the virus was actually deadly.

That's what I thought until my ~30 yo friend who is healthy, was having mild symptoms but then suddenly collapsed and is now in ICU.

I think the worst part of the corona is that:
>New type of virus -> takes time for your immune system to react
>No upper respiratory infection -> No acute symptoms

When you realize you are having symptoms, it's often when you have already trouble breathing and you could already have developed ARDS.

My whole family got it and the only one who had more than a bad cold was my obese mother with an already weaker than average immune system.
Hell, I’d been living with them for a week before it started sweeping the household and I literally didn’t get it. Or I was an asymptomatic chad.
Literal nothingburger

guys where can I buy toilet paper I'm legit running low and I haven't seen any at the store in 5 weeks

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>mfw SPY puts tomorrow

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Ok doomer.
Go back to /cvg/.

king bobo was here. it's gonna be 2.5 weeks closing red.


oh wow sir haha very funny is that real sir haha oh shiva im laughing

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Short literally everything

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what expiration


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How they getted the cat to dance like this?

How much is Bezos going to pay these governors to keep their state closed down to kill all small business?

You can't buy toilet paper anymore, give up. I only want napkins, and I haven't seen those anywhere either. Paper products are gone.


I got some news that made me bullish. semi short term.

Coffee filters user, coffee filters.

spy 180 or lower by june

bout three fiddy
states are like cheap whores

Does countertrading this signal work consistently?

Go long nat gas tho

are you still LCI tho?

Why would a Hindu reference Shiva versus Brahman or Vishnu? Esoteric National Socialist asking here.

god dam it's going to effect us now.

>another new tripfag


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LCI to $60

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youve been filtering me since 2018 retar


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Feed it nuggies when it does a sick move. Once a routine is developed the humans match the cat. They don't teach the cat a routine. The cat teaches them the dope moves.

Guys if SNAP goes to $15 I'll be fucking rich. what color M4 should I get?

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>He bought?

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>getting a bmw

yeah, picked some up for june as well.
Betting on that amazon deal going through too?

>tfw bought puts at the very top today,
life is good lads

Shits going to crash hard next week, isn't it?

the PPP bill passed the house

Yes, right after Cramer recommended AMD last week it dumped hard

No fucking wonder Florida is fine despite being so retarded.

Why are people on this board so obsessed with RTX?

>Just got 60 rolls of angel soft delivered to me today for $25

Feels good man.

any gibs for literal niggers like me

(you'd have to read the bill, I think its mostly the business loans and some health care funding, but I'm sure the demojews added some gibs)

no. something smaller but should still cause an uptick.

amazon aint happening btw.

Same here bobro

Sun confirmed to kill corona in Trumps press conference.

It's over for corona, we're going to the moon.

Only up from here bros.

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always do the opposite of what cramer says

explains why the south and southern commiefornia are barely getting hit

>got a $5k cash account (not margin) and a dream

how do i into day trading? i want to just start out with buying enough to where im risking $20 per trade. share with me your knowledge and wisdom, /smg/

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>I'm going to make 50k when the virus ends
I'm so comfy rn

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thinking of spending money before making money

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made 60% return on zoom and sold today because cramer was shilling it before the crash

They handle better than Mercedes though

Swing trade puts/calls on SPY. You can make $100-500 a day easily doing this. I've been supplementing my income with this for several weeks now


He is seriously proposing radiating infected people hoping that kills the virus and injecting people with disinfectants.

Also, there is zero new information about heat & humidity & UV rays. Almost all respiratory viruses behave like that. Trump just wanted someone to support his comments about "summer taking it away".

fuck off WSB

First off you need a broker with no minimum fees which basically don't exist anywhere but the US

Second you should risk at least 1% per trade if they are thought-through and not you just buying random shit

Third it's just going to be a time consuming hobby to do correctly unless you have a lot more money than $5k

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Trying to avoid the great depression but it's already here

dup btfo

I went to a small convenience store just to buy snacks and the guy had everything, just marked up. But the toilet paper is shit, real rough stuff and it was $1 a roll. Switched back to wet paper towels.

find a flaw in my strategy. 1-2 calls/puts is not high risk

>millions dead of dehydration after trump recommends increasing house temperature to 120 degrees

>neets seething that the president is making them go outside

i live in the US with td ameritrade, give me a strategy and explain why it works profitably. im not looking to get rich overnight im just looking to start out and make a bit of cash on the side.

Can you resell toilet paper to grocery stores? I have 1.5 packs and maybe go through one or two packs a year

the stock market is going to crash hard within the next year or 2 right? How can the economy grind to a halt without stock markets crashing?? people won't be spending money on shit

let me join the team user, how?

Whats in it that so many R's voted no?

so this means we should buy nat gas???

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ill tell you your fuckin flaw you retard, you are buying in high IV, its a matter of time you get IV crushed, the best play here are iron condors

honestly would be a good way to get rid of some people at the end of the IQ bell curve

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your strategy worked for the last few weeks because SPY was on a very clear and stable uptrend with intermittent drops. it's starting to crab and possibly even drop now. personally, I think it's more likely to start crabbing pretty hard from here on out, despite the bearish air starting to reemerge. crabs fuck strangeholds pretty hard.

The secret Yas Forums server link is discord gg CpqQw7b
We will interview chainlink founder Sergey Nazarov this week

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If the S&P dips below 2734, we'll likely drop quickly to 2693. If that level doesn't hold, the center of a black hole is the limit.

lmao I have no idea what IV is nor do I care

based retard

like 4 did, they just don't want to vote for massive govt spending
>natural gas
still sad he only got one with the fish tank cleaner

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>i played these slots and managed to win a few times. find a flaw in my strategy to continue playing these slots.

Lmao, there is zero new info you retards. You could actually go to NCBI and find similar numbers from the fucking '80s, for other respiratory viruses but also human coronavirus.

It's just Trump playing egoistic and trying to "prove he was right about summer".

That mindset is so fucking stupid. By far and away my most profitable call options have been bought with absurd IV, some over 300%. I don't buy a call option hoping the share price barely moves, I want to take advantage of the pump from volatility.

bearish on CARR desu

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fun fact: slot machines actually do have winning strat built into them