Why did bitcoin went to such heights in the winter of 17 and when will it happen again

Why did bitcoin went to such heights in the winter of 17 and when will it happen again

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Turn around and lets see what you really are

He has a really nice ass

not a bad ass for a man

ICO craze and Tether manipulation, also massive normie FOMO. Its unclear if we will get another run like that again

I was thinking the same thing

Whats with you paranoid tards believing that's a man? Ist's clearly female

i don't know if it will ever go from 4k to 20k in a a few months again but i think it will steadily increase in value instead.

Sweet Krishna!

Go back

I'm exhibit "A" as to why it mooned in 2017.

I had barely heard of Bitcoin until a friend told me about coinbase. Put a $100. Doubled so fast. Put in another $100. Went up so fast.

Some time went by and it kept going up. I was like "wow this is fucking nuts I'll invest $3,000"

Well that was at ATH. When it crashed I realized the error of my ways.

Spent a few years studying crypto. Learned about Biz. Started reentry around Dec 2019 and right after the Corona dip.

I'm still in the red but close to break even.

what was biz like at that time? Has anyone profit off the pump?

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>dopamine running low
>curtains closed
>vitamin d depleted
>feeling the depression coming on
>need to think of another generic thread so i can post another tranny
>"Why did bitcoin went to such heights in the winter of 17 and when will it happen again?"
>breathe a sigh of relief
>ten minutes pass
>the feeling has worn off
>feeling the depression coming on

Bitcoin isn’t real. It’s a fake currency, and sadly there thousands of copy cats. so many Shit coins that flooded the market, it devalued all virtual currency. Anyone to trade real money for virtual currency is an asshole. There’s 0 value in it.

this girl was 14 in this btw. stop sexualizing young girls. Jesus

That's a man

Oh yeah if there's one thing we know about Bitcoin it's that it steadily increases in value

i mean over like 10 years or so. obviously there is still a lot of volatility day to day.

Is coffee good for you?

>omg so hot, look at that ass, look at those tits, aaah im gonna-
>-what? she is only 17.9? wtf thats repulsive, who the fuck would find her attractive? she is a fucking child you sick fucking pedo, im calling the police

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the boom has been and gone. you are currrently seeing exchanges trying to fuck as many people as possible before its dead.

look at online poker, same shit. boomed in like 2005 and they managed to keep it going for the next 15 years because people are gambling degens



Nobody knows yet, but coinbase in launching an Oracle that can foretell the price of BTC 3 years out

>she will never pole vault and land her ass directly on your face

normie fomo is what happened. there is not so much hype now

Enjoy the ride user, its upward from here. But there will be another drop too, hold on tight! For now tho, last time youll see it below 8k

Yes 17 year olds are children and you are a pedo for being attracted to them. Even if it’s “legal”

The only people that think that are older women that have hit the wall and young simps who are tired of older guys fucking their girls.

what if I posted 10 pictures of girls, and asked you which one you found attractive you troglodyte? five 17 years old and five 18 years old

I would reveal their ages after you answered

bitcoin maximalism is a legitimate way to think, but it hinges on one question and one question only:

>is uncle sam and his military strong enough to save the dollar?

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How dare he not participate in le epic cancer

it will never happen again

Go all in FANG. Guaranteed 4x Winter 2021