R*ddit is never getting in

r*ddit is never getting in


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coinbase does it for free?

he's u know, chainlink is a scam coin.

shouldnt you be shitting on some street, rajeet

based, linktards btfo

Imagine thinking even 100k has been spent on Chainlink's 'product' XD fucking stupid

Ranjeet is finest phone posting multitasker all of Mumbai.


basically what it is, how the fuck can you even think that and ERC token will be an oracle?

Uh oh... pissed stinkers incoming

omg so much this

Checked and keked. They have no idea wtf is going on.

Another hour another, red pill that bag holders cant swallow

I was at the Scaling Ethereum conference earlier this week and I got to meet this Sergey fellow. During the break the other presenters were surrounded by attendees asking questions, however I noticed Sergey was sitting alone with a large bag of McDonalds. I tried to ask him a few questions but everytime he would answer with a mouthful of food so I understood none of it. I would not trust my money with someone with someone like that.

top kek

Sadly, this guy on blebbit has a higher IQ than 99% of Yas Forums.

Remember, LINK is the coin touted and held by women, people on Twitter, niggers, Arabs and normie males and gaymers.

Smart money sold LINK on the Google hoax partnership last year.

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>he didn't sell when he had a chance
Never gonna make it.

>Yas Forums btfo by plebbit yet again
Go to Reddit for investing advice, come here for epic memes

So much dubs

Checkā€™em $4 eod

You have to be an actual retard to think this is bad for Chainlink lmao

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>think this is bad for Chainlink

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kek, underrated fpbp

So Coinbase releases a product in production TODAY that uses a direct competitor (Open Oracle) standard INSTEAD of using Chainlink.

They purposefully choose ANOTHER standard than Chainlink.

And in your mind, those 3 tweets means they prefer Chainlink? Why didn't they release their product using Chainlink then? How low is your IQ?

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>thinking they'd openly admit that they just btfo'd one of their other product offerings

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this, it was done in a week max

Vitalik was right all along

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No one here is selling you trannie faggot
It's just one more node for the Chainlink ecosystem. Kys you're priced out

Nobody is buying either faggot

Literally who? A random nigger off the street is legit more intelligent

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>Price goes up by $1+ over the past week and half
>No one is buying
Kys you missed the bottom

Go back to plebbit

Lol ima copy pasta that user

You have to go back nigger

The ICO was $32 milli you ding dong.

After much regret, I have decided to sell my entire stash... of 245,000.30 Chainlink. Market sold it on Coinbase today. What a fitting end heh... It was a great ride bros...