Chainlink fud intensifies

What I find amusing, is that the fud now intensifies to a point that almost takes over. What do they think to accomplish? If I don't hold coin xy do I go and fud it? No, I don't care about it, or else I would hold it. The logic of these people really eludes me. Do they think, if they say bad things pepe will go and cray and sell tomorrow? They can't be that stupid really?

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it's not fud, it's proven facts.

Attached: coinbase-doesnt-use-chainlink.png (784x1338, 214.28K)

That's what they think yes.

My question is, Why so many people are going out of their way to FUD just chainlink??
Is this actually bullish. I've never seen as many anti "coin" threads as chainlink.
One thing is confirmed 100%.

A blue hexagon is living rent free in a lot of heads.

God what a normie thread. Can we ban Chainlinkers already? Im not buying, even though you make 30 threads a day

Here is a prime example, I mean I personally don't give a shit because I hold a shit ton of LINK and kind of like them keeping the price down so I can buy more every month.

My theory is also this. One, it's other teams in the space using ICO funding to FUD link to try and gain market share. They're all scammers anyway and could easily hide or justify it as marketing.

Two, which I find more interesting. Discord groups a few stong, (lets say 20 people and thats generous) All fud at the same time and walllah, the price moves 3 cents. They radnomly attribute that to the FUD and think it worked. They contiue to do this until one day they are BTFO. That's my two theories but who cares double digits end of year baby.

But you already bought user.


I fud, and I hold more than you and almost everyone. there is nothing you can do to stop me. The moon mission is DELAYED.

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you know you missed the boat when you are still shilling this shit token among niggers and housewives. its over.

Facts are now FUD... we tried to put some sense into you chainstinkers. There’s no saving you flaming faggots

sergay betrayed us all, we were all supposed be in THIS TOGETHER

Also I'll add that some fudders have mental issues, they are like the mainstream media they put themselves against. In the mainstream media the best work is done by spreading propaganda to people who spread it without even working for you. A lot of these people have been convinced they are 'in a secret club' that keeps reddit out. I mean fudding reddit is fun and to be honest I do that as well for a laugh when it's a big post on r/crypto, but these guys literally have no idea why they're doing it sometimes, they have no proof they arent doing it for nefarious parties as they have prayed on thei insecurities and the 'I'm a neet against the world' mindset.

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No one is trying to stop you user, this is a safe space. You can do what you want, also, there is no way you hold more than me.

Yes this is a very good way to explain the coinbase integration. 'additive' to the LINK ecosystem.

Oh well thank you so much! Don't buy and see you in a few months when it will all hit you in the face YET AGAIN. Like for example: Link will never be above 1.50 again. HAHAHA ... and so on.. do you understand how much fud we've had over the years? All of it bullshit? Including this wave now?
Facts are different and people know More and more, they actually begin to know.

>6 posts by this ID

the same dude/people fudding link were in another thread trying to get people to buy tellor instead. they're just trying to scare away new link holders and pump their low volume shitcoin.

I’ll give Linkers this: CHAINLINK is the best shitcoin price aggregator to date.

Don't buy CL. Or Bitcoin. Bitcoin, without any real adoption, was valued at 313 billion ATH. Nano, which is a useful currency right now, also has no real adoption. But things appear to start moving from pure speculation to actual use. Not just for Nano, but other utility coins. The thing is, Nano will float to the top quickly because it's the fastest and has no network cost. Integrators and merchants will love that fact as they're currently paying premium to credit card companies.

I could list all published integrations and activities and plans, but we all know those. Merchants and POS vendors are very very interested.

So let's assume there's a modicum of success. Basic logic seems to imply that matching BTC's ATH is just the start.

And by matching BTC's ATH, each Nano will be worth ~$2350. At that point, you might actually be earning and spending Nano, and your current stash will be your retirement. Enjoy.

fuck that shit!
do you trust a big company?
they don't want us to make money, wake up!
chainlink has tons of partnerships, don't you understand? will explode!

I think at best it might keep new people from buying and potentially shake out those that have sub 1000 perhaps.

I have posted this exact question man it makes no sense and if anything solidifies my holdings. I routinely buy more on my futures contracts when the FUD intensifies as it indicates news or big moves in the near term.

The FUD is so bad too...the one that always makes me crack up is where it lists various partnerships or integrations and says Proven Fake after each one.

What sub 85 IQ retard came up with that shit? Its seriously pathetic as fuck I really pity these people and I legit hate feeling pity

You can't think your input here actually drives the price in anyway whatsoever though right? It would have to be just for fun

>Link: 3 years in and no real-world utility. Has reduced costs and added efficiency for the following list of customers/users:
>linkers: this is bullish!

>spam the board with 800 threads a day about your shitcoin
>spam your shitcoin in threads talking about other projects

Fuck off back to your safe space subrebbit, retard.

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My coin? Just because I hold it? Fuck you Yas Forumstard. We have soon realised the future. And we will profit from it. This thread was not about feeling persecuted, but rather about trying to understand the twisted and dysfunctional logic of teenagers thinking if I say bad things people will believe me. Stick your jewish star up your ass, and start to think.

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

define real world utility....?

The real mileage is on twitter.

Saves money or time.

>They can't be that stupid really?

This is what hormone replacement therapy does to the brain user

so the stock market has no utility because a stock does not save money or time?