There are people browsing biz right now at this moment who think that Bitcoin will become widely used in the future and thus make them rich($200k+ Bitcoin price).
There are people browsing biz right now at this moment who think that Bitcoin will become widely used in the future and...
rofl dude there are PEOPLE on this board RIGHT NOW
Bitcoin will never go above $20k again. LINK will surpass Bitcoin in 2-4 years. Cap this you fucking retards.
so much tribalism
can't blame them honestly this shit had an incredible 2 Billion percent bullrun
Delusional bagholder
Don't care lol. After the collapse happens later this year, all the fiatcucks are going to have literally nothing, and all the goldbergs struggling to carry around their physical bags of paperweights are going to get shot and looted by raiders. Meanwhile my money will be safu in my brainwallet
actually btc will be 1 million.
Well no shit when you suddenly have a "currency" that you can use without a middleman and no trace as long as you use cash to buy it. It was a great idea from the start and a whole dark net market arose from it. People thought it was gonna gain a lot more adoption, but it can't scale for shit which is a big problem. Going from $0 marketcap to $100b(propped up like crazy with the Tether scam) is one thing. Going from $100b to $1t is a whole another thing. The volume needed is just too big.
>65% of early adopters / whales haven't moved any btc in years, not even when it hit ath, not even after it hit 3.5k
>the % is increasing every year
keep coping bearcuck
I mean, sort of, colloquially, but not really, you know?
There are people, using their computers, to connect to, a server, that sends them the code for a website, and having downloaded that website, their browser then runs an interactive representation for them. When they "reply" to a "thread" they're really just, like, sending some data back to that server, which is then storing it in memory, and sending it to the next person, who connects to the server to request the page, which is downloaded, and run in *their* browser.
So you see, no one, is really, "ON" the board, and in fact, there really is no "board" to begin with, you understand?
Ah yes when the collapse happens(it won't in the way you imagine), everyone would want your precious Bitcoins even though everything has collapsed.
>using the word "fiatcucks" unironically
or maybe these are just lost wallets ...
How can the whales sell their big stacks? You do understand most of these whales are just drug addicts who got lucky right? They aren't some big brained investors. They can't even move their Bitcoins, because it would instantly cause a dump even if they are just sending it from one wallet to another. All they can do is hope there will be a scaling solution developed(not happening and most likely not gonna happen) so normies can start using it to provide more volume/liquidity to where the whale can offload some of his btc OR the whales just hope there will be these bullruns where they can dump some of their Bitcoins to normans chasing a dream. The whales themselves are completely delusional.
I only need bitcoin at 50k in the next five years, thank you
>everyone is delusional and wrong but me, I know everything better than everyone else
Show me the current scaling plan for Bitcoin. What will be driving the price up? You really think there's gonna be a 2017 again? You see I ask these questions all the time and all you Bitcoiners can say is that a) Bitcoin is a digital cash. b) Bitcoin is a store of value digital gold. c) "I'm hoping for a speculative pump to drive Bitcoin to $50k-$100k"
>What will be driving the price up?
supply and demand
Ah yes simple and vague like it has always been for you bitcoiners. Anything more detailed will just make the dream break.
Lol why would anyone want your worthless privately created digital cryptos that are not accepted means of payment and habe already been inflated by early "investors" in the case of a crisis
A quite short and inappropriate answer to anons arguments
You sound exactly like everybody did in 2014. Dumb motherfucker there can always be another bubble
Bitcoin is a boomer coin. Eth Link and Lit will all be above it at 5he hight of the next bull cycle
Are you retarded? You don't know the point of Chainlink and it's token LINK? It's not a "cryptocurrency" meant to be used to buy shit. It's used to pay for data from the Oracle Network. The reason they made its own token rather than just use ETH is that if Ethereum fucks anything up, then that affects the Chainlink network. If you want data that comes from multiple sources or you just want data to your smartcontract from the outside world then you use Chainlink and pay for the call in LINKs. That's where the demand will come. Meanwhile Bitcoin can't scale and the only thing going for it is that maybe someday there will be this huge crisis and everyone will want bitcoins.
Legit curiosity: Why not just pay a subscription fee to have access to the data, why require a token?
And how are you gonna pay for that? Via a bank transfer or VISA/Mastercard? LINK token itself has some technical importance. It's an ERC 677 which has some added functionality that is needed. Some "transfer and call" or something, can't recall exactly atm.
It is already widely used. It's kind of like when the whole world were using smart phones except Americans who thought they didn't exist until the overpriced and underfeatured iPhone showed up to bring you lot into the 21st century. In the rest of the world, bitcoin is a thing. In America, people are still using checks.
> Show me the current scaling plan for Bitcoin.
Just because you want to use bitcoin to buy bubblegum doesn't mean it is failing if transactions are too expensive and slow to do that. Bitcoin is for real money, not a mechanism for you to spend your daily allowance. Everything is working and scaling perfectly as per design and serving the use case as intended. You misunderstanding what that use case is doesn't mean btc is broken.
>Bitcoin is a boomer coin.
You are not a programmer, are you?
>And how are you gonna pay for that? Via a bank transfer or VISA/Mastercard?
Why would this not be an option just to access data? Admittedly, I'm ignorant about all this technical detail (trying to learn), why would you need an complicated system that requires tokens just to access data? I can access data (with dollar denominated/electronically paid subscription fee) from a business working on the internet using existing payment methods/infrastructure. Does the utility of Oracle require this new payment system or could it serve the same function using existing payment methods? If so, couldn't a competing team just develop an easier to integrate system?
There is literally no other project which solves as few problems as bitcoin does. There are some on the same level, but every other blockchain besides of those can solve more than bitcoin. Bitcoin was the first but it has not anything more than that. In 100 years, those 3-5 years of bitcoin being older doesn't mean shit. Adaption will come through use cases and bitcoin is literally just 'hodl bro'.
Widely used? Where dude? I live in Estonia, there used to be a possibility to buy Bitcoin with cash, now that's been cracked down. Nobody uses Bitcoin other than for darknet purposes.
What is the use case for Bitcoin to justify a marketcap of $100b+? Inb4 some vague digital gold shit.
By boomer I mean about 30+
Have you researched at all what Chainlink is and why is it needed? Your asking very basic level questions. Just watch some Sergey videos where he explains everything pretty well. The whole point is that the data ideally comes from different sources so if one source fails or something happens, then your smartcontract won't be executed because of a faulty data source. LINK token is also needed for collateral purposes. Since LINK can rise in price, that means the $ collateral can rise as well to meet any collateral demands. That's a bit more complicated topic which isn't the point of this thread. Just watch some videos or if you have a high IQ then just read the whitepaper.
Cryptos aren't good for solving more than exactly one problem, which is accounting. Bitcoin is doing it. All the altcoins will follow Jamie Zawinski's Law: Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail.
> Hey look, our altcoin is Turing complete and can run "pong" and "game of life", surely this must be very valuable?
> Ha, ours can call web services!
> That's nothing, our crypto currency is capable of controlling a coffee pot and a web cam, IoT coins are the future!!
> With our coin you can actually buy coffee, in some places!
Not even spending is a real crypto use case. Only keeping track of how many tokens are in accounts and how they move between accounts is a real use case, and only one token will remain relevant.
For everything else a block chain brings zero value to the mix.