As the sole creator of Bitcoin, I own full rights to the Bitcoin registry

As the sole creator of Bitcoin, I own full rights to the Bitcoin registry.
I have what is known as database rights in the European Union and the UK. Flag of European Union

Bitcoin BSV is protected by the largest tech specific patent portfolio out there.

Dr. Craig Wright (Satoshi Nakamoto)

Attached: EWT-1DeWkAE37Qs.jpg (1220x660, 84.97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth
I for one welcome our new glowie approved monetary savior

Craig Wright is so undoubtedly Satoshi Nakamoto that anybody who doesn’t believe this is NOT based in reality.

Craig is a scam artist. Period

He wasn't before, but now he is. If you don't believe him, you're a crazy conspiracy theorist (well, soon you will be).

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lol database rights belong to the people that fill the database with data.

Death to Israel


Sergey Nazarov -> Satoshi Nakamoto
Craig Wright -> Carlos "wasuwasuwasu"

you forgot pic

Attached: faketoshi.jpg (439x544, 134.87K)

Attached: never-bsv'ers.jpg (960x581, 118.94K)

He said if you made a transaction on bitcoin without KYC you stole the coins from him. Youre an absolute cunt for supporting that guy based off what is not in dispute, his own quotes. Just come out and argue that all crypto should require KYC to use it because thats what youre actually saying.

Say what you will about CSW, but he makes really interesting contrarian arguments. Anyone saying that patents or law doesn't matter is a retard, hes right about that

Money has to be traceable, sorry.

Attached: 1567678725168.jpg (543x500, 99.27K)

This faggot is like the turd that just wont flush.

All crypto will absolutely require KYC eventually

The privacy war is over. You lost, everyone trying to anonymize the internet let alone bitcoin is a complete fool

>Money has to be traceable

no it fucking doesn't lol. good luck tracing payments in pound coins you fucking cretin.

You are idiot.
This is exactly why 500€ bill started to get removed from circulation.
oh no no no

>that hair loss

If all this was a show, he was a convincing con man. I left thinking that, despite everything, yes, this could be Satoshi Nakamoto. It was a few days later that I got the email from Dr Courtois, who had examined the evidence we had been shown.

"Stuart," he wrote. "Craig has cheated us. It is a hoax. I have proof."

"The monkey-er is Satoshi Nakamoto." --Craig Wright

>You are idiot.
>This is exactly why 500€ bill started to get removed from circulation.

1.) the 500 eur note was an obvious target for counterfeiters
2.) europeans are fucking cucks and their currency is absolute dogshit


based monkeyer

>Dr Courtois
the guy had hacked private keys in his lab

Imagine unironically saying
>we have recovered tens of thousands of private keys [from transactions] my students have recovered tens of thousands of them

how much blackmail did the cia have on dr courois to make him say that?

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coins.... yeah sure there are not traceable, good luck uying a houe with coins though. Bills? they have serial numbers... ever wondered why? and even then lots of countries have now max limits in place France and Italy for example >1500Euro, everything pai with cash that is worth more than that is is an offence and the transaction can be returned without recourse. So yes, money by law has to be traceable and attached to kyc. BSV allows you to make small transactions without KYC, that is not a problem, the requirement for KYC comes when bigger transactions are involved. Looking at your level of understanding though I doubt that will ever be the case for you though.


I am Satoshi Nakamoto!

Attached: spartacus.jpg (480x252, 29.19K)

Gov't keeps thinking it has to have its "hands in the pot"

It doesn't. Privacy is a human right.

Fuck off.

My response when people say "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear."

"I need privacy, not because my actions are questionable, but because your judgement and intentions are."

no you mong,the most counterfeited note is the 50Euro, beause it is also one of the most used. The reasn why the 500 is taken out of circulation is due to negative interest rates. Cash is the only exist nominally against NIRP. no counterparty risk ... well at least only against central bank and no volatility risk like any other asset. now If I have a shit lot of cash I need storage, and using 500 notes instead of 100 I need only 20% of the space in comparison. Dont believe the smoes and mirros show of the politicians. If they are so concerned of counterfeiters they would just have changed the features. And the 100,200 and 500 notes have basically the same features, just different colors, by your logi the 100 and 200 shoud go away too.

I didnt say that I support the current systme. If I had it my way everytime the is an attack on privacy I would have the guy signiing it off put against a wall and shot. The next guy can then think yes, I will be a martyr to advance humanity and is not doing it to appease his power trip or because a fucking lobbyist paid his escort.