>He missed out on BTC
>He missed out on ETH
>He missed out on LINK
(You are here)
>He missed out on PNK
He missed out on BTC
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If only i knew all this in 2010....
I think you meant ubt or lit
No one wants to have random autistic people setting their disputes and voting however will make them the most Pinakion.
we'll see.
I hope you remember posting this when you finally FOMO in
I only bought enough bitcoin in 14 to cover the price of steroids :( :( :(
Checked it in 2017 and my 90 dollars had turned into 2k
you know you can do jaw exercises to increase the size of the muscles at the side to get your very own chad jaw.
Do them everyday and emerge from quarantine a chad
>he doesn't know
ubt fags can't cope
Got 44k. Hopefully it'll be enough.
I think it'll be the opposite, why would I risk paying Jose to build a website for me and have it cost $500 when I could risk the additional $100 and have Autists win me $400 back? Depending on the prices, it could be something seen as commonplace. I'm still reading the whitepaper tho rn.
Biz will catch up soon enough.... Once it hits coinbase
NVM This is the dumbest shit ever. You want me to gamble my own money away so I can be on jury duty? How much more fucking retarded could you possibly get?
True chads hold all three, like me
You don't have any idea how Kleros courts work do you?
Obviously not, now explain this shit
Okay I read about it and yea I was correct. It's fucking gambling to be on jury duty. What kind of fucking retard would actually want to be apart of this in any way? People are fucking stupid, they aren't going to be correct anyways. So even if youre smart and give the most objectively correct verdict you can, you'll still never make money. This is a bad idea, like honestly it won't work.
look everyone it's a shitcoiner
Enjoy buying in right before the dump from $3 to $1.
>jaw exercises
You're either born with it or you're not
Apparently you cant read retard. The jurors volunteer because they get paid. This happens at the resolution of a dispute.
>People are fucking stupid, they aren't going to be correct anyways. So even if youre smart and give the most objectively correct verdict you can, you'll still never make money. This is a bad idea, like honestly it won't work.
This is how its done in real life. Were you born without a section of your brain?
you would have sold way before than 2020
From the Kleros white paper
> a token that aligns telling the truth with economic incentives. If wewanted to know if it rained in Paris this morning, we could ask every owner of a SchellingCoin: “Hasit rained in Paris this morning? Yes or No”. Each coin holder votes by secret ballot and after theyhave all voted, results are revealed. Parties who voted as the majority are rewarded with 10% of theircoins. Parties who voted differently from the majority lose 10% of their coins.
So it's not a truth engine, it's a majority engine. You get rewarded for voting with the majority.
In a world were 99% of all humans believe in God absent any proof.
In a world were we must "believe women"... hum...
In a world with for profit prisons.
Are you SURE this is the hill you want your portfolio to die on ?
wtf was that
Exactly for this world is it made and not for your imaginary utopian Dreamland
You get penalized for having a differing opinion? What?
>Are you SURE this is the hill you want your portfolio to die on ?
I'm all in for the ride to $3.
If the shit coin Link can be memed into it, no reason kleros cant.
Lel this Am I on the wrong board where this pol and we discuss how females suck so much? Or are we here to discuss things with actual uses cases in the real world
It's not a majority engine, but the jurors cant deliberate so it's a fair majority
I have 600 Link, 128k PNK and 6 ethereum.
What should I convert the 6 eth into?