Oh no no no

oh no no no

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This rally will fail like the others.

Fuck this clown market....there is literally 0 reason for anything to be pumping right now

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fuck you

I was being ironic

Crushing my dreams user.
But you are like 100% right

EXACTLY. This is why i bought. It shouldn't go up so it will.

yes but digits ignores irony

I guess we'll see about that.

The pumps wont stop until 200 is met.
Then the real fun begins. Simple as that.

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Checked. All in.

Fucking checked. I'm so ready

Holy fuck we made it.

The lockdowns are only priced in for another 3 weeks, most people are still gonna be on lockdown for another month and a half at least. Then we will see the next huge down turn.

But there is...
Trump signed the law to suspend immigration, he tweeted about it cmon, how blind are you

user I...
>No reason to pump
Trump signed the law to suspend immigration, he tweeted about it cmon, how blind are you

that's because our immigration numbers were so low....

KEK, I beg you to undo this.

>There's no reason for crypto to pump in an age of unprecedented hyperinflation and gibs

This is LITERALLY why BTC was invented.

>Record unemployment
>Green line go up

Something isn't quite right. The economy is so fake and gay I can't wait for whatever new Hitler comes along to purge it.

>People are unemploy so they aren't buying hedges to the dollar :^)

Haven't you heard about this 1% thing they've been spouting for years?

Poor people don't move the markets.

Good thing I sold......... right?

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It's that speculative element of the market that needs to get removed. These people, who produce nothing, gamble on the future of the nation and make out like bandits.
Kind of people to get themselves kicked out of 109 countries.

>It's that speculative element of the market that needs to get removed. These people, who produce nothing, gamble on the future of the nation and make out like bandits.

Why dont you join them and make money then?

y-you mean after it had gone up, r-right?, I mean who would have sold before the pump.

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>I made a bad bet so the whole game has to be changed

You made a stupid uninformed bet

>Just join this ethnically nepotistic cabal of financiers, bro.

Hey to be honest you can marry one and your biological children will be in their group.

What bet did I make? To not want to economy to be bled dry by bankers and capitalists?
To have wages driven down and house prices driven up due to the demands of these same people?
To have governments subservient to the forces of finance capital?

Funny user. This is really just the beginning. Come May, June, July crypto will have such new highs that people will off themselves just because they can't believe it's real.

I know, brother.

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I have 100 linkies and 100 tezzies
Will I make it bros?

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