Defend this
Defend this
Priced in
>only 24 million people unemployed
>stocks go up
Capitalism baby.
priced in bullish stonks only go up unlimited money open the economy calls in place
Automatisation, robots don't get sick; rich get richer and poor fags stay poor fags. The never ending cycle. God bless capitalism.
Fuck off. The bobos aren't shorting the stocks anymore, they're shorting the whole (((global))) economy.
Just like any random casino in your state is not a direct measure of your state's economy, the stock market is not a direct measure of the economy for the country.
How many times are we going to have this thread?
>the price of your biggest companies is not your economy
>fake and gay economy goes out in a glory of being fake and gay
Stock price is only tangentially related to earnings, yes.
Just like how oil is worth $20 until futures contracts start to expire. Nothing is real
It doesn't matter if the plebs are fucked. The rich are going to see record profits from all this.
This. Basically those 24 million people were useless deadweight
>Purchasing Managers' Index
>Economy gut wrenchingly bad
>Yas Forums
>Priced in
This contrarian shitposting is getting tiresome
>i dont understand
>must be fake
>the problem is not me
>its everyone else
found the kids
We are now at 20% unemployment. That's going to be the official number but it's probably much worse
Explain something to me, if all this news is “priced in” why does the price go up? Shouldn’t the price be efficient by now?
I say a third of americans will be on the streets by october.
mfw food lines in the 20th century
Yeah there are several million gig/contract workers who won't be counted
>unlimited trillions on the sidelines
gains forever
what a horrible analogy
CNN will do anything to crash the market
>Based Boomer poster thinks it's still the 1900s
>fed printers on turbo
>all going to the richest corporations
>"why are corporations becoming more valuable?!?"
This is the government admitting they're willing to let 100million Americans starve in favor of their investments.
CNNs "influence" over future stock market prices in miniscule at best.
Zoomers be like
>This time is different
>This is the government admitting they're willing to let 100million Americans starve in favor of their investments.
Suggesting a different vantage point:
>people (Americans for example) and "investments", the stock market have ZERO relation to eachother anymore (if they ever had no one will ever truly be able to determine)
>so anyone with the means to "invest" couldn't give a shit about that happens to people
>people, esp old ones dying off en masse will result in their stock holdings (through various retirement plans etc.) to be thrown into the market and being bought up by FED and their institutions with currency created ex nihilo
fuck this gay earth
(not the planets fault, btw.)
If learned helplessness is a true concept and if it has been applied successfully as the "conspiritards" believe then next to everybody will simply lay down to starve without any pushback (they literally wouldn't know who to attack as per training)
>no riots
>no pushback
>unnoticed and silent mass starvation
>laughing in Deagel intensifies to eardrum shattering noise levels
We've hit peak brrrrrrrand peak delusion.
I mean, even if people did rise up, a solid 20-30% would be Trumptards fighting for the rich to keep all their billions because the God Emperor said he'd stop migration, even though he hasn't, but he triggers SJWs, so he must be effective.
the market is priced based on risk tolerance and perceptions about the future. it sold to a level that represented the sum of all guesses about how things would be. and then did the same when it pumped. it's in fact always doing this. what is so hard for commies to understand? do they think that the news is supposed to announce either "good" or "bad" and then they get to buy or sell when they see it before the scheduled gains or losses? excuse me, but, get good.
Coming depression already priced in retard