Risk management and crypto

Post your portfolios and percentage of each holding.

I'm personally shooting for 50% BTC, 25% XMR, and the rest as moonshots in anticipation of this upcoming bull market.

>Reminder that anyone telling you to go all-in on one coin is either a shill or doesn't understand risk management

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only bitcoin and monero will survive. rest are going to 0

The goal with this strategy is to assume that 2 in every 10 coins go parabolic. So yes, you're generally correct. Most of these will be worthless, but the ones that moon will moon hard

>being this spread out
M8 unless you're a millionaire you're gonna be very disappointed.

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Portfolio value is around $20k so the spread is fine. Good moonshot picks on this portfolio I'd say.

Reminder that in 2016 a $200 investment into XVG would be worth nearly $20k by the top of the bull run in 2017

reminder that this is not 2016

I agree with this. You are way too spread for any real gains at your portfolio value. I'd drop to 8 picks, with your largest holdings being coinbase holdings. I don't see a third of that shit doing much at all.

why not just all-in btc if you're gonna do this

I disagree. In fact the market is primed MORE than in 2016 for dramatic growth imo.

Also my goal is not to "make it", it's to make significant gains as safely as possible. Best way to do this is with a diversified portfolio.

Because I could theoretically make more than with just BTC with this strat

>t. altcoiner who turned $1200 into $34k in 2017

As someone that had a bunch of alts in 2018, it was a terrible idea. Wish I had consolidated in 2 or 3. Every time you have one that doubles, another goes down 30%. I had a similar amount of $$ as you do as well. My portfolio was in crab mode most of the time. The only way I reached that amount of money was ANS to begin with, by going all in at $5-8. Then I sold half my ANS stack at $20, almost the rest at $40, and invested in chinkcoins. Worst decision I’ve made in crypto of all time.

Yeah you shouldn't have been in alts in 2018 fren. I sold after making a decent % gain like OP at end of 2017 and was glad I did.

Alts are the biggest % gain in a bull market and worst % loss in bear market. 2018 was a bit too late to play the alt game. But we are definitely returning to the alt market

I'm about 50% BTC 50% alts, with the vast majority of those alts concentrated in ETH/ZEC/XMR and some DOGE

Crypto is about a 15% exposure for me in my total portfolio, still heavily weighted towards stocks I picked up on this dip of a lifetime.

Why do you have so many bags? LMAO consolidate faggot

Very similar to me. Good luck user, we are gonna make some nice gains in the next 3 years.

Read up on diversification. Having all my funds in 1-2 bags is more likely to get me rekt than spreading out the risk like this.


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Am both a shill and don't understand risk management

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>Risk management

You realise crypto is all the same investment, some go up and down from news but it is all the same in the long run, and if crypto goes to zero they will all go to zero

>you realize that investing in any project in the S&P 500 is the same in the long run?

80% LINK
10% BTC
4% VET
3% Moonshots (AERGO, NKN)
3% Bags (AMB, REQ)

oof bruh I'd pull some of that out of LINK. XMR and ETH are safer in the long run.

10% LINK is reasonable but I really doubt we are gonna be able to keep this upward momentum for much longer

100% chainlink

100% LINK, anything else is just too uncertain

>20k so spread is fine
>not all in on link with that amount
Fren you are going to regret spreading out to much when the bullrun happens

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This my stack to show I'm not just some pajeet with 100 link.

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>Fake portfolio

We'll see who has regrets when the bull market comes. Chances are it won't be me

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Bro the bull market has been ongoing since 2018 for me.

Please don't forget to post this in 2023

I’ll try

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i’ve seen you around a lot and i’ve seen many anons try to help you unsuccessfully. reminder again this is not 2016/2017. your 20k isn’t shit, you are unironically a poorfag and will be a poorfag your whole life.

Of course I'm a poorfag, but I won't be for much longee

Hello @ID: wVdh8xlg,
I'm here to inform you your 'folio is utter shit. Please lurk the Yas Forums archives from sept 2017 - may 2018. You might learn a think or two about your 'theoretical strategy'.
Thank you,