Should I just sell this for ETH and cut my losses?

Should I just sell this for ETH and cut my losses?

Attached: B9EBE8B4-58AA-4241-B1EB-3975685178BA.png (250x250, 7.85K)

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Yes. I believed in this shit a long time ago too. But ots not doing anything at all.


Attached: 4564747.jpg (1914x745, 172.14K)

Yes. Eth is gonna soar this year

Nah, just wait for the reward unlock and sell at single digit sats then.


Priced in, sorry.

More than fucking priced in. 10% added to supply price dropped 80%

>selling FTM now
"Yes, im addicted to being JUSTED, how did you know?"

Are you fucking stupid? When was ever future supply shocked priced in by the market? Do you believe all future monetary expansion is priced in by the market today? Fact is that trash FTM will crash towards zero when over one billion FTM will be dumped on the market. It's insane. An absolute Ponzi scheme and most obvious scam in crypt.

Yes, I sold my bags 6 months ago and it was the greatest feeling of relief ever

never fucking selling

+1 Shit will moon at unlock mark my words.

You mean 30% supply over 5 years? Little bit less dramatic when you use percentages isn't it nigger?

Why would you sell the literal bottom? You’ve held this long, what difference does it make?

>he's still getting chinked in Q2 2020

>You mean 30% supply over 5 years?
Why over 5 years and your 30% numbers are false, dumb nigger. Only a small fraction of the total supply is traded and sets the price. When you dump 1 billion on that, FTM will crash to zero. There is a reason why the whole chink team exit scammed a long time ago and you idiots had to implement your Ponzi scheme rewards to artificially pump up the price for a short term, only to see a future total crash.

You are a fucking idiot. The supply is adding 1/3 that's not open for argument. Also it's not being 'dumped' its being given to those who stake. Most crypto projects have much higher emission rates. Your fud is shit tier

Shut the fuck up Fantom ape. Only you idiots have the ponzi scheme restrictions that you lose everything if you unlock before a set date. Only you have to wait a whole week before getting your FTM back when unlock. All this is rigged to team can dump the hell out off FTM while you clowns are stuck. I asked, why 5 years and THIS IS NOT EMISSION RATE you fucking imbecile. Thanks to your retarded scam restrictions, the sale pressure will be insane. Add tons of lies, empty promises, broken promises and crashed tech, and you have a total Bitconnect style scenario in the waiting. Only braindead morons would still hodle this shit project. Total scam.

The funny thing about this space is that almost no one has any kind of background in CS, so almost none of the "investors" can tell good tech when they see it. If this is a scam, why are they bothering working on bringing concurrent smart contract execution to their EVM implementation using Solidity?

To trick idiots like you. Bitconnect was also working a lot. Smoke and mirrors. Why did your scam Twitter account not post a thing since December, and then suddenly spammed three nonsensical tweets when called out?

Obvious scam.

Lol. Fucking clown

XAR isn't Fantom, they're people who chose to build on Fantom.

Why bother. Its paid fudders from a call centre in Mumbai paid by DAG

Rubbish, it's the same people and part of what Fantom Foundation promised with three nets. Scam

Why bother. Its paid fudders from a call center in Mumbai paid by DAG
Pathetic answer from the usual FTM imbeciles.

Amazing how one autistic schizophrenic user destroyed thus entire coin

What exactly is your problem? Xar is a client using Fantom. Posting a medium article doesn't disprove that. Chen was helping people use and stake on the platform. You are talking constant shit. So either you are paid or have psychological problems. No one fuds the bottom.

Who is xar? Who are the devs? Who pays them? Where are they situated?

Check who is behind xar:
You can start with Fantoms own scammer andy.

So your fud is that Fantom is really Xar Network. Why would Fantom hide their work and say it's a client. Literally makes no difference. Anyway Andre was working on it. He is trustworthy guy and he always said they are a client.

You are a fucking weirdo. You are posting perfectly well known public facts like Andre's github work on Xar and making it seem like some reveal of a scam. Not sure I can be bothered anymore. You needs meds mate.