Sell me this gun

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big return on investment sir

kill yourself

It's a quick and painless exit out of this world if you ever need it.

Once you have it you can get your money back immediately. It pays for itself.

nice BB gun kid

See that nigger? Kill him, you cant? Buy this gun.

Oh my god is that a gun? Is it? Is it? is it? Wow man that thing is so DANGEROUS i mean you can actually kill people with it! Why you have a fucking gun? Are you gonna rob a bank or shootout a school? You must be a criminal!

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This week.

Ive sold 3 guns from my collection.

An sks+1k rds ammo for $650 (paid 300 for gun and 200 for ammo)
A swiss K31 for $660 (paid 400)
And a M1895 for $550 (paid 200)

Got s buyer same day for each posting.
Buying gold and silver with the cash.

So what makes you want to buy a gun in the first place op?

Millimiterino? What? Are you drunk? Lol i'm proud to live in a gun controlled state, in fact only responsible people should use those things, such as police, militia, or mafia.

Attached: coomer.jpg (1545x869, 91.62K)

Metal go bang.

Is that your pic? Man you should go out sometimes.


dude kys with your airsoft larp. your 9 is made of plastic and has a fixed slide that doesn’t do anything?

Who is composite handle and metal slider

You sure you’d be able to handle it buddy? I recommend something a little more your caliber. Like a .22

Sirs, are you in market for new firearm?

show mag and there will be an end to this horror

“I need you to shoot yourself in the head...”

yo bitch, fuck that gun, give me all your money or I'll beat your ass into the ground, I know where you live bitch and I'm coming over

there is a nigger in your flat

Wow hot take you dumb reddit transplant

Is this a sales tactics thread?
I can't tell what kind of gun it is, is that the point?
Working on general sales tactics without relying on crutches like actually having a superior product?

Wrong place to start, you are trying to make a sale not be a walking checkout counter.

I dunno man it looks kinda shitty and plastic, is that a BB gun?

"That'll be tree fiddy, OP. Would you like a dick to suck on with your reciept?"

just think about your beautiful white children and protecting them from niggers and street shitters sir.

That's just a tactic to make you want to buy it out of spite. Personally I find that pretty cringy but you must be doing the same sort of thing but to try to get people to not want to buy it, by playing a stupid as fuck person who responds to bait and might want to belong to a group of owners, which makes me want to buy it out of spite for you. You're an excellent salesman. That or your fucking retarded.

That's a Glock 45, a problem solver. You know what problem solver means?