Holy fucking smokes, what the fuck is happening?
i remember seeing wells fargo logo in the old sergey slides, but somehow he removed them.
now this?
Holy fucking smokes, what the fuck is happening?
i remember seeing wells fargo logo in the old sergey slides, but somehow he removed them.
now this?
Everybody can rent a room with Wells Fargo, doesn't mean anything
Also note the different connection to public blockchains
the Arbitrum spoonfeeder is right. They're integrating link more closely
Do you know their partnership with google is a fake
>logos on a PowerPoint slide
You subhumans are still falling for this?
Wtf link is in partnership with NASDAQ now?!?
In india, I'm sure you can use any logo and don't risk anything as you can bribe your local authority during your daily social distancing shitting in your favorite street, but you see Rakesh, in first world countries, you can't use random brand or company name without their approval.
kek, rekt
the slide just shows that wells fargo was known to be working with chainlink for a long time, the event though, is actually organize by a wells fargo community manager
You actually can depending on how you use it.
When you don't know, you don't know.
no it’s organised by some irrevelant dev at wells fargo happens to be chainlink community advocate
you delusional linkies should neck yourself if you think this literal who guy is important member of wells fargo
you never get tired? i saw your writing sstyle in like 3 threas today.
what's your engame, or yes, wait a minute, you want our financial well being and you care for us, so we don't get scammed by the evil russian scammer known as sirgoshi nazamoto
>you can't use random brand or company name without their approval.
Dunning Krugtard trying to slap a jeet badge on me while not knowing basic legalities. So you seriously believe that some guy giving a speech in a closed venue on his project’s theoretical abilities in the world using some random company logo no matter how big or small is going to have a torrent of lawyers descend upon him if they find out? No money involved, no badmouthing, no problem. Fucking retard.
gee, he speaks well, he musn't be a jeet, he must be some high level diplomat of wellbeing, looking for us like a brother and wanting to help us all.
STFU you fucking pajeet
Bitcoin bad. Buy gold. Chainlink bad. Buy Reddit gold
I would like to know what you’re like in real life so I could submit a request to put you in the nearest zoo
>o no I got btfo
>time to project some shit about grammar like a fag
You can’t refute me and this made you angry. Seethe harder chainshitter.
just answer this silmple question, if you care so much about our well being, then i'm listening what alternative to chainshit you want me to invest in?
if you don't answer this question by an actual shitcoin, your a pajeet confirmed
too many pajeets in the thread
No answer, I fucking knew it, you fucking pajeet
wells fago is shit tier. does not bode well for link.
no NASDAQ will get linked
Hey this is America faggot
Fake news. The guy hosting is literally a full stack INTERN with well-fargus. Word on the street is he's doing one of those reverse internships.
This is bullish. No serious counter details have ever been presented here. This board is consistent with weeding out the bullshit and I have never seen a good FUD for Link. Thinking about selling all objects I own and going in 100% this month. This is unreal that this investment is available to the common man.
kek it's some low level pajeet or sandnigger who works at well fargo as a toilet flusher
Lol is this not just typical open integrations? Where the company exposes their APIs for you to post too? Not heard of Open Banking?
> Works as a toilet flusher
This meetup was organized by a Wells Fargo dev.