imagine being used by glowniggers to propagate their agenda
inb4 you fell for the memes like the poltards fell for the fake “meme war of 2016”
imagine being used by glowniggers to propagate their agenda
inb4 you fell for the memes like the poltards fell for the fake “meme war of 2016”
imagine sleeping at night after knowing all this
You're late. I sleep just as bad as I did before.
This isnt it.
I sleep. They are trapped and the God they worship cannot save them. He is trapped just like they are.
>imagine worshiping someone who didnt think you should be given the chance to fail or succeed and who is trapped in a lake of icecream for being a colossal ass
The also often highlight the letter "e" as in it is the fifth letter in the alphabet and refers to satans five point plan for taking control over the world.
You'll see it with companies such as enron, ebay, dell und so weiter.
Is this about Chainlink? I have shilled it hard to friends and family. Am I responsible for their souls now?
God will just show his true face to those demons, God always prevails, those who challenge him will burn in hell for eternity
Come home white man
Listen here, anons. Chainlink is lawful neutral. Like a machine gun - it can be used for good or evil.
Imagine pooping on a street in Mumbai late at night reading this.
kike begone kek
you never had a soul to begin with incel, hence why it was easy to swallow all the lies
remember the breadcrumbs? fancy dinners between various glownigs
remember assblaster and the other glownigs?
remember the glowing partnerships with (((microsoft google swift))) ?
remember the inorganic and forces memes?
unironically what are you going to do if they make getting a mark on your right hand that can control what you can buy and sell mandatory for getting a job, drivers' licence, bank account etc?
are you going to go full schizo, revelations martyr?
“investors” will be chipped first
whats a glownigger?
Yes, and how perfectly advertised it was. The most organic grass roots growth but manufactured to be that way. Genius actually... they were one of us, the disenfranchised. They understood our culture and spoke our language.
this vid shits on bill gates's ID2020 iteration of the mark of the beast pretty hard and paints chainlink as a volatile one world currency run by that pornstar they try to keep hushed up but its origins seem a bit suss
just how low can you stoop to even ask something like that
Seething BSV jeet
What is OPs opinion on picrelated?
Chip is mark of the beast.
christcucks aren't my fellow man
what do you mean
42 put your name back on, fag
i cant filter your schizoness without it
kek, as if that isn't already in the process of happening
As to answer your question, Mr Glownigger, you need to censor the internet and all messaging apps, people are already realizing that it's better to be free then under control
I'm asking as in what can someone who needs a paycheck to live do to not take the mark
as if 42 anti-shills LINK. this is some new schizo, user.
how about propagating this intelligence operation any further?
are you saying you believe portraying chainlink as the mark of the beast is a cia marketing mission?
I dgaf about chainlink.
Given the hypothetical mark of the beast what the fuck are we meant to do to avoid it
I'm going to trade crypto, pms and barter with all those others that didn't get the negative interest rate shitcoin implant...
I'm waiting OP
What the fuck is all this corpo-conspiracy gobbledegook
Basically the IMF and the central banks are going to put a negative interest rate crypto wallet under our skin because people would dump the dollar otherwise. People (not me, i haven't read the bible) believe this is the mark of the beast. What's your next question?
fear fades away when you know your soul is free to roam on after this mortal life
owl passing through a lit hallway from one window to the other
Oh no user you're totally right I can't do that becaue its against the law and I have the utmost respect for the law yes i certainly do.
Jannies clean it up