It's over
It's over
That's a man
Maybe on the outside but deep within shes the same attentionwhoring wannabekardashian slut all the instagramthots are
>one chance at life
>Not born a black bvll to rule the new century
>mfw its over
This is cringe on so many levels
You guys are seething that this normie manthot got in on link early and will be just as rich, or richer, than you post-singularity
Yes it is.....
Link is only $3 and the roasties and manthots are already buying. It's over.
He's going to cuck us all at the yacht party
So many retards were buying bitcoin and shilling it in 2013... Don't think it means shit
A nigger on steroids, how original.
All the link profits in the world won’t make your hypertrophied heart reduce in size before you stroke out or seize up.
Checked. Based health conscious racist.
user, you are infatuated with this nigger. WHY?
If he’s not blasting and going on extremely long cycles, or fucking with Tren and shit orals, his heart should be fine. You really have to stay on top of everything, especially blood work but he’s fine if he’s responsible. Doesn’t look like he runs a ton of gear.
it's funny, looking back only the crackheads on silk road were using btc in like 2010, and then normies and bankers FOMOd in, and then Yas Forums
Two possible outcomes: this is the top, or chads like this get rich off of chainlink and will actually get out with a huge profit while "marines" hold into the eventual crash down and we get tons of threads on biz about I used to be a paper millionaire.
Both are justice for shitting up my board.
suck shit sage!
The Cuckening
This. It's literally just how early you happen to hear about it. Literally all luck. Biz thinks they're special somehow but even retards are buying LINK now.
Fuck off bro don’t provide your input even again
The guy seems really nice, he is frenposting
>The guy seems really nice, he is frenposting
Literally this. He honestly seems like a really nice dude. I'd love to have a beer with him and I bet he'd love to have one with me. Good guy that Jamie, good guy
That man is on all the gear
Fuck off, faggot.
Looks like he has mild gyno. Test + Tren probably.
You don’t know shit you fucking water weight creatine 2 scoop can’t calf raise a 45lb plate looking mother fucker.
Same energy...
He’s a muslim as well. Praise be to Allah.
>economy crashing
>depression coming
>crypto barely clinging
>niggers in mania phase
full circle baby
>yfw he's the pregnant sergey poster