Average INTP income is $30,000, the lowest of all MBTI groups

>average INTP income is $30,000, the lowest of all MBTI groups

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INFP here nearly 30 years old and making around that amount. I feel your pain

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costs of social phobia

It's because INTPs are autistic. Being successful in the job market has actually almost fuck all to do with your skills. It has to do with your connections and social skills and as an autist INTP you're shit out of luck. The highest earners are sales and business people. You think they have some gargantuan IQ? Certainly they're no idiots, but it's the schmoozing that matters.

yep. Only 3-5% of people are intp.
I don't think there's ever been places like the internet where you can get such high concentrations of intps

better off doing a big 5 test though openpsychometrics.org/tests/IPIP-BFFM/

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thats why u buy chainlink

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Always been an INTJ, my understanding is the only difference between me and you is that I’m slightly better at sticking to a plan and you’re slightly better at playing by ear.
Either way we’re both fucking weirdo nerds, on average.


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>tfw INFP

Do any other INFPs get tons of people telling them how "good" or "pure-hearted" a person they are frequently? It's weird because I feel like a total shitbag.

the most i ever made was 45k

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ENTJ, 150k p.a. - sounds like a lot but really isnt... QoL stayed roughly the same vs 100k except that the car and house got bigger to accommodate for the first kid.

I'm an Aquarius

Oh and of course in typical ENTJ fashion I am insensitively hijacking INFP conversations in a braggadocious way - cant help it

Yep, got a big job as an INTP, smart enough for it but the whole people thing screwed me over.

Good I have 20k LINK.

INFPs and ISFPs incomes are worse.

>autism PREVENTS you from making gains
>not using it to your advantage

you must be 18 years or older to use this site

I Always find It curious that ESFJ have an income so High, they are supposed to be one of the least intelligent types. Probabile the effect of hard work + sociality.

intp losers kek


im 32 y/o INTP. Became a millionaire within 5 years of working. Its possible bro, INTPs are smart just need to get out in the water and start swimming.

Imagine being an INTJ and making more than that, trading from home

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>tfw you see brainlets all around you making more yet not knowing differences between their, they’re, there, and thinking it’s ‘would of’ instead of would’ve

my brain hurts but mostly my back hurts bc of this sperglord warehouse job i’m in

>at least i don’t have to talk to anyone ...right guys?

Right? It’s like the guys that make over $200K and then come here for financial advice. Like how are you so retarded yet make so much.

what do they do

What does ESTP do? I took the test way back and forgot bros

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>be me, chad

If you play the normie game you'll never make it as an intp. That game is rigged in favor of the types naturally good at the social game. Exception is if your autsitic natural interest IS the social game.
Intp is a high risk high reward type, glass canon type, etc. The road to success is dangerous and painful.

Ps. buy quant (QNT).

tfw too smart to be a wagie

fucking weed money or ‘consultant’ or some other shit. what even is a consultant?
seriously bros i’m fucking tired of making shit money but i can’t function in an office and i don’t know what path to even start as far as careers go

professional bullshitter

Escape the rat race bro. Live in a trailer and grow your own food

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If an INTJ learns to socialize, they win the game

I've never heard INTP described as glass cannon before, that's fuckin hilarious dude.

If you want to be rich this is the test to take


I honestly feel like ya INTPs can get but with our awkward yet sometimes endearing personality. Like in elementary school I was a know it all and I was always right yet I had no friends. After a while i made a persona that is me but an exaggerated version. I was less accurate but I traded that to become more funny and charming. I’d turn on the analytic part sometimes but not to much so I wouldn’t drive ppl away. Not only that but it also takes humility. I had to realize logic isn’t always the best thing to use in every scenario(it is in most tho imo). At the end of HS I was homecoming king and was dating the prom queen. Us INTPs have good traits you just have to turn some of them down while tiring the others up

All the jobs are pretty shit user, but the ones that are less shit require schooling, so maybe join the army. Free degree and you can get Yas Forums, get some discipline, make some friends and your living expenses will probably go way down. Maybe you'll figure out what you want to do by the time you finish. Never been in the army but it sounds pretty based