How do we profit off the manchild epidemic?

How do we profit off the manchild epidemic?

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>waaaa stop enjoying things

give in to your inner manchild. You know you want to

Buy buying up stocks on brands that sell nostalgia. Or buying up that nostalgia shit at flea markets for pennies on the dollar and selling them for 40 50 100 dollars.

That's a man

Basedbean futures

Man this AT-AT was the absolute tits. Centerpiece of my childhood toy portfolio

There's nothing wrong with indulging your inner child once in a while, but posting that picture and wearing that shirt is just terrible. There's a time and place for things.

did you have the GI Joe aircraft carrier as well you little shit?

That's a boy

I’ll give 3 links to first person to photoshop him into basedjak

Wtf it's not even a lego
How do you play with this

söybean futures

its another op got brainwashed into thinking that having fun outside approved adult activities is bad

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It’s not even the real one. That shit is from late 90s you can tell by the box.

We're the culture of abundance and in the near future it's going to get worse.

was gonna say, when power of the force 5 inch toys were released this cunt was probably finished high school

You'd have to compete with every other fucker who looks like the simpsons comic book guy who can spot a mint condition spider man action figure with the extremely rare dick instead of spider man logo on the chest misprint

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That is beautiful

Welcome to the family s.0yjack

>just consume product

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Fags like you will never amount to anything, and you’re a boring snozefest to boot, just kys

> if you don’t look like this you’re not a real man

Go back to 4970 B.C.E..

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that face. every fucking time

t. triggered manchild


>Be WotC

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Port games to the switch that fit their life style

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