Fed is running money printers on overdrive

Fed is running money printers on overdrive.

Why isn't crypto going parabolic?

Attached: 044_OYOY7jG68HzTETw7.webm (360x450, 2.44M)

Will soon.

because investors of everything Economy have no idea where this is going

why did you cut the video before he showed his dick

it will take a while to flow through

that's definitely a man.

also the fed printing trillions of dollars worth of money could cause deflation or inflation and fuck with the economy. that's why gold and silver sellers are having trouble keeping shit in stock.

Because crypto is speculation not a store of value

Tell me with math where this is going?

How different is the capital expansion on a national scale? Tell me with numbers. All you doomsayer faggots are literally financially illiterate.

Wow he looks a lot different now! I went to school with him. He's really been hitting the squat racks I guess.

thats a man

you can tell by the way he walks that he has a very large penis

That's a nice bottom

Because literally no one knows wtf is going on anymore.

Usually takes 6months-2years for it to circulate through the real economy.

imagine if she started farting and pooping as she walked along and the liquid pooey ran down her legs and i ran over and slurped it up as it dripped out haha

Made me lol

Triple dubs.

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Is it possible to turbo charge a money printer?

Is this a man?

nope. paola skye on twitter

Attached: paola.jpg (1536x2048, 455.54K)

Bullshit. I know a man’s ass when I see one.
t. Yas Forums

>look mom i posted it again

Looks like a man to me, very hairy ass

imagine the sweet and succulent and sweaty smell

Attached: why.png (500x452, 315.58K)

>that hand

Attached: 1571081058159.jpg (731x565, 26.35K)


If you're hungry and unemplyed you can still buy some food with dollars while 'investing' this money into useless shitcoins without any real value isn't such good idea during global recession and economic collapse.

We’re still in the deflation stage. Actually, I think we’re just beginning massive deflation. We won’t see the effect of all this money printing until all that money floods back into the real economy once the people’s confidence is gained back. But as it is and will be... inflation comes before deflation; deflation comes before hyperinflation.


Parabolic goes two ways at once, I think you mean exponentially rising.


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