Buy fucking gold

buy fucking gold

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>peter schiff

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>Imagine still listening to Peter Schiff

gold has gained about 15% yoy
imagine that....the feds printed 7t and all you got was 15%
if there was every a scenario in which gold should be shooting up 10% per day its right now, yet its total crab invesment
dumb money

Peter Schiff was RIGHT

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Bank of america said gold to $3,000 EONY if you don’t have any metals yet you’re going to be obliterated

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>total crab

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Now chart it with compounding dividends instead of nominal stock price you fucking mong

Yeah he predicted 12 of the last 5 crashes.

The vast majority of academic "analysts" predicted zero of the last 3.

What’s gonna happen is GLD is gonna go to zero once everyone realizes they don’t have the gold.
Gold will be impossible to buy, and millions will be tungsten scammed.

Taleb predicted this bitch to the T though. Taleb is my new bestie.

Doesn't really contradict my point though. During the lead up 2008, the commentators were essentially calling Peter Schiff retarded for stating that it was even remotely possible that American Jewish Finance was capable of contracting.

>t. Warren Buffet

my condolences

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Why would I need gold? Checkmate, boomer.

Is this an intentional troll image or just gold bug retardation?

Which part is giving you trouble?

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So it's both. Thanks

>mel uses jew terminlogy unironically to refer to non-Jews

Meme would be great other than this

My 7/17 gold calls gonna print


The market has definitely not been inflated by boomers who are on their last leg and are losing their jobs in record numbers. People will definitely still want gold when moldy bread is worth 1 billion dollars.

40% of my portfolio is in UGL, the rest is cash. Just waiting to be bullish in the Nasdaq again, sold out of it on Monday.

so you are too dumb to double check. thanks.

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Credit Suisse just reported a revenue increase of 75%, people already are.

idk, you don't really need to take delivery of gold like you do with oil

mad gains of about 3% after inflation

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>What’s gonna happen is GLD is gonna go to zero once everyone realizes they don’t have the gold. Gold will be impossible to buy, and millions will be tungsten scammed.
This can’t happen with bitcoin bc nobody knows how much bitcoin is in existence/held kek

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I’m for gold regard. Bitcoin you don’t know how many coins are lost

> That million dollar 2021 4000USD call

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>Buy gold!
t. Gold salesman

>nobody knows how much bitcoin is in existence/held kek
>>nobody knows how much bitcoin is in existence/held kek
>>>nobody knows how much bitcoin is in existence/held kek

Fuck off and buy bitcoin then

Hello mister brainlet

Nobody knows how many bitcoin are lost or 1 person owns. Who wants to invest in that. Gold is better

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