Can anyone explain why the economy before Corona hinges on "non-essential" work...

Can anyone explain why the economy before Corona hinges on "non-essential" work? Why are most jobs considered "non-essential"?

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most competent leaders consider all jobs essential

>"Get a job as an essential worker then? You have a job"
>"Yes they are. You go down to the supermarket and they're hiring all across the board"

He's 110% correct and you'd have to be an actual retard to disagree with him.

Broken window fallacy.
Also a lot of jobs are just glorified welfare. Keep people busy and paid enough to be distracted and not revolt.

The economy was collapsing before corona. Funny how every one forgets this.

>just the virus bro
>once it blows over we'll back to normal

Why are ethots still working?

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lol, live in manhattan, rent or mortgage in excess of 2k/ month.

>go work at trader joes

brilliant, now I can pay my 3000 dollar mortgage with the 2000 dollar a month paycheck I receive from my supermarket payroll

We exported all the jobs that actually create things to communists and all we have left are waiters and variations of "yes m'lords".

And now only a few "yes m'lord" jobs are considered essential while the rest of us are left to burn.

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That's essential for the coomers

You shouldn’t smoke it’s bad if you get corona

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This. That's how it is, people need something to do. Majority could vanish overnight and things would continue to operate pretty much as before.

Because the vast majority of the economy is useless consumer spending like buying a new Wii Pro 5 on credit.

>Broken window fallacy.
>Also a lot of jobs are just glorified welfare. Keep people busy and paid enough to be distracted and not revolt.
this is why i dont work and collect welfare. ill start working when i can figure out how to save money to not be wrking when i retire


Smoking actually seems to have a protective effect. Something with downregulating ACE2.

>Why are most jobs considered "non-essential"?

in the west we enjoy a huge amount of luxury and decadence. "essential" in this context means food, shelter, medical care etc, stuff essential to life. Our economy is so advanced that this is only a tiny portion of our economic activity, and most of our time is spent on luxury stuff

Essential workers

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You may be thinking of Nicotine consumption, but definitely not "smoking". Some research suggested nicotine patches and pills may help, but cigarettes have, almost universally, resulted in a staggeringly higher death rate.

yeah u rite

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The protesters are retarded, I'll give you. But so is anyone who literally cant do better than a fucking grocery store

>The results confirm a Chinese study published at the end of March in the New England Journal of Medicine that suggested only 12.6% of 1,000 people infected with the virus were smokers while the number of smokers in China is around 28%.

>In France, figures from Paris hospitals showed that of 11,000 patients admitted to hospital with Covid-19, 8.5% were smokers. The total number of smokers in France is estimated at around 25.4%.

>“Our cross-sectional study strongly suggests that those who smoke every day are much less likely to develop a symptomatic or severe infection with Sars-CoV-2 compared with the general population,” the Pitié-Salpêtrière report authors wrote.

>“The effect is significant. It divides the risk by five for ambulatory patients and by four for those admitted to hospital. We rarely see this in medicine,” it added.

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Thats better

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Reminder that all the protesters who are demanding to go back to work are actually demanding that you go back to work so they can

>reopen their wagecuck factories
>get their hair cut
>go to the movies

Meanwhile Trump is securing protections for corporations so workers can't sue for contracting coronavirus in workplaces that don't have adequate protections or screenings. Basically they demand that you go back to work to keep their financial interests alive and if you get coronavirus and are saddled with an enormous hospital bill due to America's truly cucked insurance system, it won't hurt those financial interests.

what a bunch of retards, i cut my hair with some scissors and it came out just fine.

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Sure, TJ MAXX isn't necessary for me to live
I could just buy socks and knick knacks on Amazon but there's something about finding a treasure that I love about that place.
It is a little odd that Amazon pretty much becomes the defacto place to buy stuff. I'm starting to hate shopping there.

I want a fucking cigarette
What an awful time to quit

grow tobacco in your backyard. did start your apocalypse garden, right?

>Meanwhile Trump is securing protections for corporations so workers can't sue for contracting coronavirus in workplaces that don't have adequate protections or screenings
based, plebs will die

>White urbanites fill all possible roles with immigrants
>Also white urbanites
>Just get an essential job lmao

If anyone can sue over the sniffles, can you IMAGINE the damage done to this country by scum lawyers? The precedent set would be unreal, causing billions in losses by hamstringing this country even more with worthless litigation
Get your head out of your ass

N.. No...

Because valuation changes under an emergency. Under normal conditions we can easily support ourselves so we use the excess workers to make leisure stuff, but we can sacrifice some of that leisure when needed which makes them non-essential (but still enjoyable in normal conditions)

life is a ponzi scheme

Consumerism is essentially non-essential.

If we only worked for the essentials, we would all be agrarian monks.

Because the government says so

I imagine the american economy as a gigantic bar where everyone spends 8 hours a day on one side serving drinks and when that's over the move around to the other side to spend the money they made on drinks
be sure to tip

well you see, one way people generally divide goods and services is between "wants" and "needs". ultimately this is a false dichotomy that serves as a shortcut for a common sense but unspoken consensus, namely that everyone wants to keep living. there is no such thing as a need, a need in this context is simply an economic activity that allows the participant to keep living, which it's implied that generally everyone wants. "non-essential" services refer to the types of wants that aren't needs. since it is believed that there is a dangerous highly contagious virus in the air, it was decided in many places to only limit economic activity to "needs" for now to limit the spread, since that's the maximum you can do without causing greater harm.

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