Ian Keane : Head of Solution Engineering UK&Ireland at Oracle Digital.
answered to a linker about the singularity
this is it boys! chainlink to the fucking moon!
Ian Keane : Head of Solution Engineering UK&Ireland at Oracle Digital.
answered to a linker about the singularity
this is it boys! chainlink to the fucking moon!
he's referring to the technological singularity, you gaping black asshole. it's not what mumbai thinks he's referring to.
It's the same. India super power 2020
stay cucked
Holy shit kys
>The Chainlink Singularity
stay in mumbai.
sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together
What does this mean? I think the singularity is happening in 2022...
Does that mean it’s happening in 2021? And why is that not as soon as I’d like?
Wtf does that answer even mean?
its just a hint, tune in for the event, he will give a more detailed answer
Shut up! Shut up! Shut. Up!!
>trans humanism
oh fuck its all true.. chainlink is an integral part of some monolithic kabbalist scheme and a bunch of neet autists from an anonymous mongolian basketweaving forum are hitching a ride to fucking saturn with them
Oh, another nothing burger :/
hes talking about the technoligical singularity, a concept explored by many futurists and a well known phrase in the tech sphere
not the "price singularity" you absolute autistic dipshit
Overestimate what can be accomplished in 1 year, underestimate what can be accomplished in 10 etc. etc.
read puc related you cuck
I read it, you obviously didnt
Look up who Ray Kurzweil is and look up what the technological singularity is, dumbfuck
>tfw my 15k stinkies will get me part ownership over mankind
Feels good man
Singularity is all the same faggots. That's why it's called a singularity
Indian shills who have never read a single book don't know what he refers to as singularity? I am so surprised right now
literally FAGGOT
>not realizing that verifiable truth on the blockchain is literally the emergence of technological consciousness a la kurzweil
Read this carefully:
fucking retards
>The second largest software company in the world doesn't matter
Oracle is a piece of shit leeching off ancient software and licenses.
It's ancient
here is the picture of a marine.
Gay dating apps aren’t innovation
it should have been obvious to you by now
>scammer using buzzwords to keep the retarded link cultists hooked on hopium OR hes a retarded linkie cultist himself
fucking pathetic
if theres one thing im looking forward to is 1000 mass suicides eoy and trust me this will happen lol
>The second largest software company in the world doesn't matter