Are they just trying to tank the Economy?

Restaurants open. Almost everything open. everyone wearing masks, people self limiting exposure. Those at risk isolating. Workplaces doing what can be done at home at home.
South Korea: Same as Japan.
Sweden: same as above.

All of them are dealing with it either better or no worse than anywhere else, and the bonus of their Economies not getting fucked.

Europe/UK: want to keep restaurants and many business shut till 2021
That will be fucking devastating to the economy. and they STILL are not trying to promote wide spread use of masks.

wtf is going on.

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the economy was already going to tank, they are just trying to blame the virus.

high IQ, disciplined populace
niggers in a zoo

yep, otherwise Trump would have it too easy in November

I'm french and I try to go grocery shopping as little as possible, went thrice since lockdown. Each time I saw five times more people than the last in the streets just walking about. My neighbor receives people every day. We're restarting on the 11th of May and it's gonna be a shitshow, nobody here seems to care about distancing so the virus will come back full swing

man this whole shit is fake user. slave owners are just trying to see how long they can drag this out and to see what the masses will accept as the ‘new normal’

>okay now we’ll tel them to stay 6ft away
>and now they have to wear masks all the time!

it’s all so tiresome

>shittier economies decide that they'd rather kill boomers than go through a massive financial crash
What a surprise.

Simple: there's a type of mindset that caught the brainworms and has become obsessed with the COVID-19. They've taken the unrealistic and implausible point of view that it will kill us all, or even a less harsh point of view that we need to stay inside or it will kill many of us - both of which are fucking psychotic.

These people wanted to run our lives before. Now they have an excuse to try to run our lives. "It's for your own good! Stay inside!" They'll never let this go. They'll be saying it in 1 month, in 4 months, in 12 months. We need to just fucking break free before it's too late. The longer we keep the lockdown the more these psychopaths anchor themselves into power.

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Japan has been in total lockdown since a week ago retard. Abe was lying.

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>Europe/UK: want to keep restaurants and many business shut till 2021

And it's not even working, cases keep rocketing up

its the only way they could bring down Trump for 2020 so yes, they are destroying the entire USA economy to remove and replace Trump with the status quo corrupt political elitist like Biden

It's beginning to look like this is what it was all about

yeah, Japanese people really just shit on their elderly compared to Americans

>china lock downed 16 million people and iran locked down 3 million to own drumpf
You people are so stupid. I honestly wonder what happened to make you this way?

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fpbp. was gonna post something until i read this.

China has reopened, dude.

I'm honestly still trying to figure out what TPTB's motives are in this. Back in early march when I realized that coronavirus was basically no worse than a flu (and just made to look worse due to bad extrapolations from faulty statistics) I thought that governments and everyone else were just in a state of mass hysteria. But after this much time has passed, there's no way that the big wigs could still be legitimately panicking over this nothingburger.

My second thought was that since they already panicked and crashed the economy with the initial shutdown, they had to double-down on this in order to convince the public that they didn't make a mistake and ruin everyone's lives and careers over nothing. And so after this, they started playing up the virus more and more, widening the scope of who counts as a "coronavirus death" to make it seem more deadly than it is, downplaying the fact that only the extremely elderly with comorbidities are at risk, and convincing people that they can't leave their houses for another 18 months until israel gives all the good goys their vaccines or whatever.

Even that still doesn't make total sense to me though, because why would all the mega-corps be in favor of an economic crash? I guess in the long-term it'd held them out because the small businesses are the ones who will die off first, but IDK.

Why are Republicans so stupid?

After a 4 month lockdown across 7 mayor cities including the capital.

They have been behind the ball, and in fact didn't even see it very well, despite saying otherwise. They're even saying there may be a larger 2nd wave, all this and that.

I voted for Trump. I might just sell my guns and vote Biden in just because at this point. The leadership in this country is comical generally at best.

>All of them are dealing with it either better or no worse than anywhere else
Over 10x more people dead in Sweden than in Finland or Norway.

Because they write off everything as corona. Hell Norway isn't any better, had an article today about a 104 year old lady dying. Cause? Corona. Not the fact that she was over 100 years old.


The US isn't the only place with important elections and for many country's on lock down, the head of established globalist puppets are on the chopping block

They are trying to sabotage the elections and turned this virus into a political weapon. I shit you not the fucking.liberals rather have this country burn to the ground as long as they get their shills to run it.

They already mostly picked America clean, now to suck out the marrow and gtfo

where the fuck did all these tinfoil hat nutjobs come from, is /x/ leaking or something

Since you say it's no worse than the flu, why dont you volunteer to be a test subject?

literally the benefits of having a trustworthy, strong socialist government versus a corporate oligarchy

Qoomers are making raid threads trying to take over this board since a month ago. They're trying to silence dissent from trump dick riding.

chin up, mask on, trust the paedos

I think it's great that it'll clear out a lot of old people. Deadweight cluttering up our budgets.

But I'm not going to roll the dice on permanent lung damage or a few weeks of suffocation, fuck that.

This. Also, hospitals are making a lot of money off of this. For every death marked as coronavirus, they get gibs from insurance companies. It's a fucking hoax.

They've canceled all elective procedures and are bleeding red ink all over the place, dumbfuck.

If you were a hospital and you were presented with basically free money and a green light from the WHO to commit fraud, wouldn't you do it too? Wouldn't you go along with this bullshit also? And I'm the dumbfuck? Kys

Is this supposed to be some epic own? I wouldn't want to get coronavirus for the same reason I wouldn't want to get the normal flu. However that's still no reason to accidentally the entire economy and delete everyone's jobs.

>high IQ, disciplined populace
It's disciprined you insensitive fuck

Yeah, all those big fraud bucks from people sucking up OT and 24 hour ICU care. Just sneaking that past those notoriously lax insurance companies. Not to mention cashing megachecks from Medicaid and Medicare, those notorious spendthrifts.

Those completely make up for the 90% drop in every other single category of patient care.

Go buy some HCA calls, you naive idiot.

shamefur dispray :-(

This, hospitals are getting financially rekt right now. Lots of staff are getting slashed hours or completely furloughed.

it's so fucking interesting to see that the people the people in charge have tricked the working class in to protesting on their behalf

the morons out marching to "Liberate XYZ" honestly believe the NWO ruling class want them at home to tank the economy for some incomprehensible reason

When in reality all they want is those morons back to work making money for them, and the morons eat it up literally working themselves to death because of a few facebook ads

Now that's more rike it!

thank trump and his stupid false flag event. what a damn idiot

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