
What the fuck is this shit? I noticed last week that I had 32,000 of this shitcoin in my wallet. It now shows up as being over $1,000.

Attached: minereum.png (370x140, 13.23K)

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same apparently you need to spend 0.4 eth on their website to be able to transfer it to and exchange, anyone try it lol?

it's up 300% today.

Yeah, I couldn't figure it out in 5 minutes of reading, and the general consensus on Twitter is that it's a scam.

anyone actually try it though?

It's activating my autism having that extra $1,000 in my wallet.

it really is

When you spend some eth (0.4?) you're not able to spend those 32,000 in your wallet.

What actually happens is that your wallet will then become a "node" and will start mining, at a ridiculous rate (someone did the math and it would be something like 50 years to mine 32000?)

I don't understand, can you then profit off the ones you mine? It seems like it's clearly a ponzi scheme.

i heard you can though no? since you're level 3, only lv1 and 2 can't

yeaaaaaaaaaaa fuck that

i was reading this for reference, bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4495159.660 keep reading on the newer pages, thought it said you can spend 32000 if you were lv 3 (0.4 eth)

correct me if im wrong

Yes, but I'm not sure what the mining rate is. Probably not good enough to justify the fee. Otherwise they'd be giving out free money.


I've been fucking with it for about a week now, i can answer basic questions

quick rundown user?

the whole point is that these "self-mine" meaning you don't need any special hardware. everyone who received 32,000 had a "genesis address" which have 3 levels. 1 2 and 3. each level has different permissions which you should just read from the homepage but the short version is that in order to be able to do anything with the actual MNE in your account you have to upgrade to level 2 or 3 and wait for it to mine itself.

This please:

Is there any downside to waiting to verify this is legit and they're not just going to make off with my .4 eth?

how do i dump this shit as quick as possible for as much eth or btc as possible

in 2017 MNE topped out at around $14 (somefuckinghow) so if you spend the $30 worth of ETH to get to level 3 and you're patient it could work out in your favor.

you can sell your genesis address at level 1 but you can't choose how much you sell it for. you need to upgrade to level 2 to do that. you can look up on the website all the information how to do that.

the earlier you get in the longer you have to mine which mean if these ever become worth a shit you'll already have a balance available to sell. if it turns out to be a scam you lose .3 ETH and if it doesn't you miss the boat and start at ground zero when everyone else is making money

for everyone skimming my posts just to find out what they can do with the 32,000 they got airdropped the tl;dr is nothing. you can't sell it until it's mined which requires level 2, you can't sell from a genesis address which means once they're mined they need to be transferred to a non-genesis address which requires level 3

how much can you mine per day

i'll hang around for another 10 minutes or so to answer what i can

it's pretty slow, you mine about 2-3 per day

so a scam right?

if what you mean by scam is that the dev makes a lot of money early on then yeah i guess. but if you mean you're being swindled or not getting something you're paying for, no. everything works. time will tell if those who paid the small eth fee make a profit selling the MNE they were given

i mean wasn't this project from 2017 and the dev controlled like 80% of airdropped addreses? the price got to 10$ but biz got dumped on and a lot of people were on suicide watch, you can still look up the threads on the archive.

i don't know the history, i've only know the basics i've learned from reading and using the dapp over the last week or so since the airdrop. i'm not here to convince anyone they should or shouldn't do anything. just here to relay my understanding to someone who just realised they have a genesis address

I only know the basics i've learned**

yeah and thanks btw, still don't think its going to be different but maybe you can take advantage of it

yeah i remember this shitcoin, it gave me 800$ out of nowhere suddenly, which i lost them in another shitcoin being shilled here in biz, those were great times.

Attached: 2g.png (663x383, 472.88K)