Just a reminder, if you are an incel, you need to leave. This is a business and finance board...

Just a reminder, if you are an incel, you need to leave. This is a business and finance board. Not a venting group for your irrational hatred of women.

There are many accomplished female investors, and on average, women are better investors than men.

I'm tired of seeing "subtle" women hate threads involving people hating on a coin or stock just because a woman show interest in it, and the outright hate threads where you post your stupid little memes.

We have already have two incel boards for you disgusting freaks to shit up and wallow in self pity. I suggest you pack your bags and head back.

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Fuck women and fuck r*ddit spacers, get the fuck off my incel-friendly board

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>*fuck jannies

tits or gtfo

>Says the dumb frog poster
What a shit thread.

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fpbp OP btfo forever

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ate frogs. just fuckin ate em.

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>being this cucked
Kill yourself simp op

Seethe more incels. You will never know what it is like to be with a woman.

>on average women are better investors
Only when they get some money from their husbands

The globalists took over pol and we have to watch BBC and muh Jew spam all day. I invaded your board, I’m a lolocaust refugee, and I’m here to stay because I’m up 50% and waking up early every day.

Suck it

Also modern women are whores, you telling me you’d short the thot ETF right now nigga?

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and you will never know what it's like to be one tranny

Women are more educated than men and are often the breadwinners of the house. Time tonkove out of the 1950's, incel.

>Shut it down

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Enjoy beta orbiting manlet


all women are whores so that is buisess and finance


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>women are better investors than men

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>more educated
Sure sounds good to be a graduate in non-scientific university subjects

Shut up hole

This and anyone who is anti-globalization needs to fuck off back to Yas Forums

post flaps

Did you know programming was originally female dominated until incels flooded the field and pushed women out with the ol'e "this is man's work" cultural programming. Now that programming is being reversed and women are flooding into stem fields such as software development.

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The psyops just keep getting more obvious lol

Yes, if someone disagrees with you, it is a psyop. Why are you off your meds, schizo?

I dont like women. They are lame. But I want to buy some for sex after I get my Mcmansion. My dick wants it. Women are a luxury good. They aren't actually people. Just a product.


I read on tumblr that the first pharoahs who built the pyramids were actually womyn, and then that disgusting incel Ramesses II rewrote history because he hated womyn.

But we are waking up from the programming SISTER

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Go back to tumblr and die.

This is an excellent post and worthy of commendation. Thank you.
I'd like to add that I also hate blacks, Jews, homos, jannies, trannies, and scared retards who cried and got my gym closed to "save" boomers from the flu.

tits or gtfo